

  1. Red514 Sep 2010 @ 15:08

    About Xonar DX (my card) Could you try , play-exclusive test ? Because this card seems to have a serious problem with Wasapi support and its event driven feature.

    (Sample - WASAPI exclusive-mode event-driven playback app, including the HD Audio alignment dance - Matthew van Eerde's web log - Site Home - MSDN Blogs)

    in case use this wav test: http://www.4shared.com/file/fhSiUYtM/Iggy_pop_-_T...

    Usually the play start fine but sound became awful early.

    Is possibile to fix that kind of bug in the unified driver?


    • CarvedInside15 Sep 2010 @ 12:01

      If you have the card why aren't you testing it? Or you mean you tested it and want for someone else to confirm the problem too?

      A potential fix may came from using UNi Xonar with C-Media Audio Center. If its a driver bug , I don't think I can fix it.


  2. R4yn0r14 Sep 2010 @ 20:43

    R4yn0r :

    SniperDaws :
    R4YnOr goto flexbass and turn on set it to 80Hz or 90Hz (80hz is THX standard)
    if i turn off flexbass i get no bass either, its simply because our speakers/headphones are true 5.1 and when a 2 channel sound is present nothing is sent to the sub, once flex bass is turned on you should be able to to turn up your bass using your volume controls like normal.
    Also in the original Xonar control panel next to analog out youll have a speaker symbol and then somthing that looks like a hammer when its set to 5.1 press it and itll ask if you want to do a speakers swap centre with Sub, this might help i dont know

    Nope, the flex doesn’t do anything. I’m already using it. And if I swap centre with sub then the center channel doesn’t work anymore it just sends the sub channel to the center.

    Sry for double posting once again, but I fixed the problem concerning the Center/Sub by reinstalling my OS. Seems like some settings were still left which caused the problem. The extremely disturbing reverb still exists though and I noticed that if I mute the rear channels of my headset the reverb disappears.


    • SniperDaws15 Sep 2010 @ 00:53

      ill try disabling the rear speakers and see if it removes the Reverb in BC2.


      • SniperDaws15 Sep 2010 @ 01:15

        i disabled the rear speakers but its still got this awful reverb, its like putting your head in a bottle and trying to play.


  3. SniperDaws14 Sep 2010 @ 18:06

    R4YnOr goto flexbass and turn on set it to 80Hz or 90Hz (80hz is THX standard)

    if i turn off flexbass i get no bass either, its simply because our speakers/headphones are true 5.1 and when a 2 channel sound is present nothing is sent to the sub, once flex bass is turned on you should be able to to turn up your bass using your volume controls like normal.

    Also in the original Xonar control panel next to analog out youll have a speaker symbol and then somthing that looks like a hammer when its set to 5.1 press it and itll ask if you want to do a speakers swap centre with Sub, this might help i dont know 🙂


  4. zee14 Sep 2010 @ 20:03

    Hi, great work again... It would be nice if you add some pictures of the new Audio Center to the post. Currently I am using your first release and I am very happy with that.

    Xonar D2X on Windows 7 x64.


  5. motion_blur14 Sep 2010 @ 20:45


    it seems to be a regular Xonar issue, but I will write it anyway.
    If i playback files with 96kHz sampling rate (and 24 bit) dolby prologic upmixing does not work. It only plays in stereo. There are no frequency bars dancing in the control center either.
    You can easy reproduce this issue with foobar and resampling DSP set to 96000 Hz and playback any file... or download the Nine Inch Nails album The Slip in FLAC 96/24 above CD quality (which was realeased under Creative Commons)

    I am running a Xonar DX at Windows 7 64 Bit


  6. bayilo15 Sep 2010 @ 00:09

    I am still having no sound out for any uncompressed format (PCM and other) on this last driver as well. The original driver from Asus works without any problem with any uncompressed format when I am playing bluray disks. Only your driver shows those issues (no sound with PCM format). I have the Xonar HDAV1.3 deluxe set up in multichannel mode and my OS is Windows 7. I use TotalMedia as player. Please advise.


    • CarvedInside15 Sep 2010 @ 12:09

      Don't know what to say, haven't figure out what setting might cause this. Can promise you anything but if I have something I will contact you by email for testing.


  7. Thomas15 Sep 2010 @ 02:15

    Just to make sure I am doing this right... Since I installed the Unified drivers, I now have good quality, low latency ASIO sound, but I cannot play along to music playing in either media player or winamp within windows 7 ultimate.(32 bit) If I install the asio patch, then I get scratchy popping sound but yet still no ability to play along to songs. Is there something else I should be doing differently? Also I have tried running the c-media mixer and it is identical results. Could you check that this is not just me with Superior Drummer possibly being at fault?


  8. R4yn0r15 Sep 2010 @ 21:23

    Well, I "fixed" my problem by using the sound of my 5870. Thank you anyway for your help. 🙂 2.1 though, works wonderfully with your drivers on my speakers!


  9. Mehr16 Sep 2010 @ 19:36

    Hello, CarvedIns! Thank you for you work!

    Xonar D1, Asus D1 driver (1780) external loopback (line-out - line-in) test: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BV6EM85C

    Xonar D1, Unidriver external loopback test: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VTSNQQKD

    Uni driver shows very bad results... Can you fix it?


    • CarvedInside17 Sep 2010 @ 12:46

      Interesting. But can it be that the performance of the recording from "line in" change in fact with the drivers, thus reporting a bad result? I'm saying this because to me it sounds the same or better, and no one reported that the sound is inferior.

      Most probably I can't fix this:(. Please check 1790 v1.11 as well when you have the time.


  10. SniperDaws18 Sep 2010 @ 19:34

    Can you check the Reverb happening in Bad Company 2, my settings are as follows

    Windows 7 32bit Xonar DS and Sharkoon Xtatic Analog 5.1 headphones, plugged in using Green, Orange and Black 3.5mm jacks.

    Audio Channel = 6 Channels

    Sample Rate = PCM 48KHz

    Analog out = 5.1 Speakers

    Spdif out = unticked

    7.1 Virtual speaker = Unticked

    Mixer all volumes level.

    Effects = disabled

    Flexbass = on set to 80Hz all speakers set to small.

    GX = on or off depending on game.

    Windows 7 settings set to 5.1 with full range turned on .

    Bad comapny 2 sounds like im in a glass Jar or sewer pipe.

    Thanks 🙂


  11. Blaster19 Sep 2010 @ 00:01

    Hello there,
    Can you create bats files for user programable pressentes like this

    For 5.1 Upmix Hi-fi

    Flex Bass: 120HZ

    For 5.1 Upmix Dolby

    Flex Bass: 120HZ

    For 5.1 Realtime (DVD,Game)

    Audio Channel 6
    Analog Out 5.1
    Flex Bass 120Hz

    For HP Hi-Fi

    For HP Dolby Surround

    Thanks in advance


    • CarvedInside19 Sep 2010 @ 10:03

      Most likely, yes. Can you tell me what do you have in mind with these?:) What OS do you have?
      Also be sure to type your e-mail address correctly so when I have something I will send them by email.


  12. R4yn0r19 Sep 2010 @ 00:42

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-375">
    SniperDaws :
    Can you check the Reverb happening in Bad Company 2, my settings are as follows
    Windows 7 32bit Xonar DS and Sharkoon Xtatic Analog 5.1 headphones, plugged in using Green, Orange and Black 3.5mm jacks.
    Audio Channel = 6 Channels
    Sample Rate = PCM 48KHz
    Analog out = 5.1 Speakers
    Spdif out = unticked
    7.1 Virtual speaker = Unticked
    Mixer all volumes level.
    Effects = disabled
    Flexbass = on set to 80Hz all speakers set to small.
    GX = on or off depending on game.
    Windows 7 settings set to 5.1 with full range turned on .
    Bad comapny 2 sounds like im in a glass Jar or sewer pipe.

    Well, I had the problem before with my roccat kave and switched to my hd5870 sound.

    Is there some room correction for 5.1 in the xonar drivers? Because if I activate room correction on my 5870 it seems like it has the same "reverb" as the xonar. Maybe it's worth a look.


    • CarvedInside19 Sep 2010 @ 10:07

      Don't know of any setting like room correction. But there could be a "hidden" one, I will send you both a customized version of the driver with some unknown settings turned off .


    • SniperDaws20 Sep 2010 @ 19:34

      ive fixed my problem i think, ive set windows 7 to 5.1 24bit 192khz, unticked full range speakers, set xonar control panel to 6 speakers, 192khz and 5.1 everything else turned off apart from flexbass which is on set 80Hz, This has cut down the re-verb considerably, i can now hear where sounds are coming from.


      • Paul_Z421 Sep 2010 @ 15:42

        Hi mate, I got exactly the same reverb problem with my roccat kave headset / xonar dg while playing BC2. I have been doing some messing about with speaker volumes and found that if I turn the rear speaker volume down on the inline volume control box, it completely cures the reverb problem.

        As I set the rear speaker volume higher, the reverb comes back again.

        Give it a try and let me know if the same happens on your set up.


  13. FuzionInfinity19 Sep 2010 @ 11:11

    The new drivers presented small snaps and crackles while in video games (and I believe this may have been responsible for some small hangs I was getting on the source engine?), or while listening to music, that were absent in the previous 1.01 drivers. Using a Asus Xonar D2X, Windows 7 64-bit. Upon rolling back to the 1.01 drivers, all my issues (small hangs included) dissipated.


    • CarvedInside19 Sep 2010 @ 14:37

      I didn't notice that with v1.11 with C-Media AC. I play TF2 which is Source engine based. Maybe there are some old drivers remains or maybe there is a some sort of conflict with other drivers. What type of driver you used normal, low DPC latency, or Cmedia AC one?


  14. blaster19 Sep 2010 @ 12:52

    Sorry this not show pictures
    I think this

    5.1 Upmix Dolby http://i52.tinypic.com/33m916s.png
    Flex Bass set to 120 Hz

    5.1 Upmix Hi-Fi (for this u must rollback Direct 2D in ini file of driver) http://i52.tinypic.com/9ptisp.png

    Flex Bass 120 Hz

    HP Hi-Fi http://i53.tinypic.com/142zu5k.png
    Flex Bass set to off

    HP Dolby Surround
    Flex Bass set to off

    5.1 Realtime (DVD,3D Game)

    Audio Channel 6 CH
    Analog Out 5.1
    Flex Bass set to 120 Hz

    Can you create bat files with the settings.Like what have you done for GX GX ON and OFF.


  15. Daimler20 Sep 2010 @ 21:31

    Yep, I did a proper uninstall. But the Windows Language could really be a problem. Mine Windows7 is in Russian. :/



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