

  1. Calin06 Aug 2012 @ 12:56

    Please anyone, i am using the xonar dx on Windows 8 build 9200. And my asus control panel doesn't work on windows 8. I've tried to download this driver 1.61, but it doesn't work.

    PLEASE HELP !!!!


    • MasterFaster06 Aug 2012 @ 15:40

      Wait for ASUS to release new driver packs. They are a little slow at driver releases, but they will release Windows 8 drivers eventually.


  2. Timi06 Aug 2012 @ 18:50

    Oh. My. God. Thank you so much, I really really wish I had found this earlier. I loved my Xonar DG for its value but the drivers were driving me totally crazy. I found this through a thread about the sound loop on app crash problem, don't yet know if that's fixed but this actually enables me to adjust my foobar2000's relative volume to other apps, I can actually listen to music while doing other things without the music being on top of every other sound now. Donating some.


  3. Simo06 Aug 2012 @ 19:21

    My soundcard is Asus Essence STX. I tried 1.61 driver (uni xonar audio panel) - windows 8 pro x86 "build 9200". Working fine.


  4. gustavo08 Aug 2012 @ 07:23

    Strange situation here.
    I'm using Windows 8 Enterprise 9200 and CP Works but only while I don't reboot after install.
    If I reboot, the only way to make it work is uninstalling and installing again.


  5. ORLIN10 Aug 2012 @ 19:25

    @Comment moderated
    Carvedinside:Thanks, but please don't write with caps.


  6. Alexa10 Aug 2012 @ 20:36

    *TEST* *TEST* * TEST*
    Xonar driver with enhancements.(v1794)

    Work on Windows 7 and Windows 8 32/64 Bit.
    -Crystal clear equalizer
    -Speaker Fill without delays and reverbs,just clear sound and voices on all speakers.
    -Bass Redirection with Bass Boost
    and others.
    Xonar DX http://www.mediafire.com/?dwsvxeofxj4avg5

    Xonar D1 http://www.mediafire.com/?oligdsv583nej88

    Xonar D2X http://www.mediafire.com/?5hlcdxccl7joaro

    Xonar D2 http://www.mediafire.com/?23cbq6u35ds294d

    How to enable 5.1-7.1 mode http://www.mediafire.com/?0s438e43k39sqcq

    Please test it.
    Support for other xonars coming soon and more tweaks and enhancements.


  7. DJSatane10 Aug 2012 @ 23:41

    Does this mean with using these drivers we can disable hsmgr from starting up on boot?


  8. Albert12 Aug 2012 @ 22:35

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-5533">
    Alexa :
    Did you try with disable Driver Signature Enforcement?

    Disable signature, the driver installed but control panel does not work.


  9. Daniel Nebdal15 Aug 2012 @ 00:17

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-5475">
    gustavo :
    Strange situation here.
    I’m using Windows 8 Enterprise 9200 and CP Works but only while I don’t reboot after install.
    If I reboot, the only way to make it work is uninstalling and installing again.

    Same here, on the release preview (with an STX, if it matters).


  10. LzbeL16 Aug 2012 @ 21:37

    Pleasee, need a how to install drivers in windows 8 rtm.



    • CarvedInside16 Aug 2012 @ 22:14

      For uni xonar or Alexa's modded drivers?

      For uni xonar read the note in this page . I don't have anything more than this.
      For alexa's try running in Win 7 Compatibility.


  11. vlakio16 Aug 2012 @ 22:27

    all spots are empty exept analog input pls help alexa !


  12. Fozee17 Aug 2012 @ 00:37

    Running Windows 8 build 9200 and the stock 1794 drivers for the Xonar DG work fine without compatibility options selected. The drivers installed just fine, and the control panel is also working just fine, although missing the options for number of sound channels.


  13. Ivan17 Aug 2012 @ 06:38

    Please guys do you know what I have to do to be able to record gameplays? because always I can hear my MIC, but not the system sound or for example in maxpayne3, I can hear the intro perfect and then once inside the game just NOTHING, I really don't understand this sound car I did everything touching everything there is not way...

    I have setup as defautl WAVE, and then MIX, but nothing always does something wierd...

    PLEASE HELPP... other ways I swear I'm gonna sell this piece of shit.

    Thanks of your drivers because when I bought it I was suffering of MIX channels.


  14. BC0018 Aug 2012 @ 10:46

    Alexa - > can we test ST/STX version, please?



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