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ASUS XONAR Unified Drivers 1.0 & ASIO 1.0 patch (post periodically updated) « brainbit | Unified Xonar Drivers09 Aug 2010 @ 21:24
[...] 08.08.2010 : Check out an article about DPC latency here [...]
i kinda wondering, does the latency also high when using foobar on asio output using the normal driver?
Should be lower. Will check it out and add the results:)
Using the ASIO driver won't result in high latency - any effects enabled in Asus Audio Center are completely ignored in ASIO mode.
That is true for ASIO bit perfect (2.0).
All these issues are important, and that's why I just started blogging a while ago and it feels great
Waiting for "Part 2.Tips & tweaks in reducing DPC latency",until not new drivers for testing.
Glad to hear that. Unfortunately things didn't worked as planned. I'm very busy now, so it may take a while.:(
ok 🙂
I'm getting constant DPC spikes. About every second bar is in the yellow, above 1000. That's without running any programs in the background. Is this normal?
No, it's not normal at all. Try updating your drivers, especially network(wireless, bluetooth, Ethernet) & sound. And if you have some monitoring programs for motherboard & videocard try disabling them.
All my drivers are up to date. I don't have any monitoring programs. Strangely, despite the spikes, I don't have any problems playing media either.
The case of DPC latency (Part 2)ever see the daylight?
Yes. I really hope so. I really want to write it, the reason is that I've been having a ruff time and that's keeping me from doing a lot of things.
Please, write the second part. I really need it. After changing my hardware (all, except the HDD and Xonar D1 soundcard) I started to experience problems with sound. The latence is very bad 🙁
I would really want to, but the thing is that I don't have time for it now. I will eventually write it.
Some quick tips:
- update your drivers , try searching for them on the original chip manufacturer and not on the motherboard manufacturer.
- try updating your motherboard bios
- disable any motherboard/cpu monitors that autostart with windows (like GigaByte Easy Tune)
- read this topic , especially the first post.
Asus Xonar D2X on the 1794 drivers, win 7 x64, i7 965 XE. My DPC latency remains in the low green no matter whether I play a game in 5.1 or a movie with DTS in 7.1.
Basically thats ok, I guess motherboard generation plays a big role in this. How low is number wise?
FYI: Windows 7 has a feature that tries to prevent DPC to raising to high, this lowers network transfer speed (if its active) so that your audio won't drop out.
I am pretty sure if you would use UNi Xonar drivers with C-Media Panel your DPC latency would be even lower.
Hi, it fluctuates around 100, give or take 10 or so. I have never had a soundcard ( and I have had just about all of them ) with drivers as unobtrusive, non-bloated and that just work correctly, as the ones Asus provides with this card.
I understand you have had some DPC latency issues but seriously, if you want some drivers to ridicule, go and buy yourself a Creative soundcard 🙂
I tried your drivers and the performance is indentical as far as DPC latency goes, sorry, I wish I could say otherwise.
Thanks for all the effort though, it is always appreciated.
I have managed to reduce DPC latency by around 100 us by disabling features in BIOS like CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E), EIST (SpeedStep) & Cool'n'Quiet. Thanks for the Tips.
In my case disabling just C1E did the trick, it dropped latency from around 200us to 20-24us, it also eliminated sudden spikes in latency (the sound would suddenly hang till i moved the mouse)
Disabling all power-saving options in my BIOS reduced my DPC latency from 200us to 100us.
"disable any motherboard/cpu monitors that autostart with windows (like GigaByte Easy Tune, Asus AI Probe)" <----this did the trick for me 🙂 THANKS~
Glad it worked. Thanks for sharing!
I was fighting against high DPC latency when µTorrent was running, and I finally managed to solve it (or at least a workaround): I set the 'Maximum upload rate' inside µTorrent options ('Bandwidth' section) to some value other than '0' (in my case exactly '20'). Now I never get anything higher than 160 µs.
I hope it helps other people. 🙂
Any good way to check the latency on windows 8 as the checker does not work with windows 8
You might want to try LatencyMon, but I'm not sure how accurate it is.
thanks, I will try it.
In case anyone is trying to find causes of DPC latency, it's worth noting that the "monitor" (Xonar driver) or "listen to" (Windows audio stack) methods of monitoring Xonar audio inputs on your Xonar audio outputs can add ~100us of DPC latency.
I left a monitor enabled on the Aux input because I have some MIDI synthesizers connected to it, but now I will be leaving it off when not actively using those.
This may annoy Xonar digital output users, as enabling monitoring is a trick that people use to keep the Xonar from putting the digital output into standby after a few seconds of no sound. The digital output standby is a problem because the Xonar doesn't react immediately when the next sound plays, causing it to be clipped while the Xonar scrambles to re-enable the digital output.