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I've switched to the beta driver after using the 1.01 driver successfully for a while, just to see if it makes a difference. I'm not sure if it's just my imagination, but positioning, volume levels and sound quality seems better. I don't know how to test this objectively.
I have a Xonar D1 on Win7 Pro 64, using 8 channel in & headphones out, with no DSP enhancements (I think it's better to let the game/application decide the shape of the sound). I find the Xear3D control panel a bit ugly though 🙂
PS. Does anyone notice a slight background noise when testing the right channel with headphones? This is evident in both ASUS and CMedia drivers, but I only pick it up when testing the left and right channels. Maybe the original recording was bad?
Hello! CarvedInside.
Asus created new 1790 drivers for Asus DG. Waiting Uni b2.
Thanks for all your work.
For me i made a little batch to turn on GX automaticly.
start %WINDIR%syswow64HsMgr.exe Envoke
start %WINDIR%systemHsMgr64.exe Envoke
Saved as a batch in all users autorun. I habe Windows 7 HP 64 bit.
Nice tip. I didn't knew about the start thing, so my bat was stuck after the first line.:(
Thank you.
There is a new problem. If i played Spellforce 2 the game crasehd sometimes wit a BSOD. The eroor is cmudaxp.sys, any hints?
Try it with GX disabled. Also do you have Asio patch installed?
Without xear 3d no crashes. ASIO is not installed. Ingame i can`t use some eax setting without xear 3d.
With the origin driver from ASUS no crashes too if gx enabled.
Try this : disable xear 3d and make sure to run the win7 GX start.bat.
Maybewin7 GX start.bat doesn't work on all computers.
I updated the guide. If you have the time. Check the registry path thing.
Hey lads and gals,
Tried out the xear driver version (without asio patch) under Win XP (SP3) on xonar DX - didn't observe any significant differences from the uni 1.01 drivers.
Idle DPC latency on my rig with xear is between 20-40us - approx. 5 points less then with Asus control centre, really marginally different. Under load (1080p playback) the xear produces between 1000-1200us.
With regards to the Xear control center:
-less obscure then asus control center (better layout, less flashy)
-most vital options readily available (at last, all mixer setting for recording and playback at one spot)
-the speaker test option is back (yay!)
-no sample rate switch
-no gx activation (doesn't matter for me, I've scratched off that feature months ago)
-no smart volume control - I often used that option for movies playback, since it produced better, clearer vocals on my speakers
-the lest important: the xear control centre is uuuugly, I'd much rather have a standard windows control center layout with checkboxes, sliders etc.
Once again, thanks Carved for your work and support for the community, I tilt my hat to you.
PS – another pro is the ability to change volume for each used channel separately.
I've just instal this driver
Test on Xonar DX, WinXP sp3, Logitech x-540 5.1 ( this speakers are not for music in my opinion 🙂 and AIMP2 russian music player )
Basslines is like more clear than on official drivers - overall sound quality is better I think.. I'll soon test sound on Microlab solo2 speakers
If you can please add sample rate switcher!!
Look at the quick notes section for the Sample Rate switcher. 🙂
I done all this but sample rate switcher did not appear 🙁
The switched doesn't appear. You change sample rate running the corresponding .bat file.
You mean all I have to do is to select "desired" bat file?
Also, be sure you restart or Disable/Enable the audio card.
and just this - "Replace the bold part in this line: reg add “hklmSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}005Settings“
In my case its same in bat files and in the exported registry file so I didnt have to change nothing
If its the same you don't have to edit the .bat files . A quick way to see if its working is to see if DPC latency is higher.
Looks like won't work at all 🙁
44.1 or 192 DPC latency is still the same 🙁
In asus official control panel if I remember well when you change sample rate in music or films you can hear a like a crisp sound or like a lag and that is a signal that you change sample rate.. With this bat files nothing happens 🙁
Thats because with the asus control center did a "refresh", with this bat files you have to manually do that by disabling and enabling the audio card in device manger or restart your system. Monitor your DPC latency with the 44.1 KHz sample rate then change it to 192 KHz .
Do you mean like this
from 44.1 to 48 I must disable and enable the audio card in device manger and then from 48 to 96 I must again disable and enable xonar??
I mostly use 44.1 for music and 48 for some movies - there is no need for 96 and 192
Sadly yes. That's for now, but maybe I'll manage to enable them in the Audio Center.
I would personally switch and stick to 48 KHz.
What original sample rate on freshly instaled driver with C-media?
In WinXP with b1 is 44.1 KHz . But with b2 from the 1.10 drivers is 192 KHz I think. I will release a new version that fixes this.
1790 b1 instaled 😀 Sample rate is 44.1KHz on this b1 default??
Sample rate switcher in control panel is only missing but not a big problem 😀
Welcome back X)
Glad to be back:)
Yeah sample rate is set to 44.1 KHz, in both 1788 b1 & 1790 b2.
nice driver, sounds good, but, as mentioned before, what is still missing is the use of the built in headphone-amplifier in the ST. Sound is good, but too thin/low volume for my hd600. Please turn this feature on.
Keep up the good work
Have you tried setting this option?