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I want to add that there is also C-media GX, don't choose that one.
Is option with gx with c-media only enabling this 'by default' and the second one just don't or it will completely remove gx?
Sorry I am having problems understanding your question.
Maybe this will answer: Differences between the 2 are that C-Media Panel without GX (3rd option) doesn't have running the 2 external processes that are responsible with the EAX emulation , so even if you turn GX (Xear3D) ON it won't work.
hey guys, Quick question.
In the C Media Panel for system input do I leave it at 8 channel? (what the card is useing,)
or change depending on input (AKA DVD, game ect)
The "?" next to the option makes me think its the later.
In my opinion it OK to leave it at 8 channels (if this is the number of speakers you have connected), as long as you have system out at 8 channels as well.
Don't know if you've read it, but I wrote a guide with recommended settings at Q&A 9 in the FAQ.
Thanks for such a quick response,
Just finished reading it (didn't know it was there :D).
Also bookmarked it for future reference (for my next format)
Will test the adjustments out on some anime/ maybe some "black ops 2" zombie :p.
Also if your still here, to upmix stereo movies,
Should I enable "7.1 Virtual speaker shifter" from the "DSP mode" box.
Switch System input back to 2 Channel and use "Dolby Pro Logic IIx" which then appears in the "DSP Mode box", (from your link)
Sorry if this is a dumb question lol. (i'll blame lack of sleep due to backing up my DVD collection to MKV files, which is taking forever)
Forgot to add, using Windows 8 64bit
Installed the c-media one in the installer (the one that didn’t say anything about enabling GX.)
Think you misread about stereo upmix as there is no mention of "7.1 Virtual speaker shifter" enabling it.
I suggest you use the "classic" option. Turn on Stereo upmix with the this, if you haven't installed the drivers with "re-enable stereo upmix" option checked. And when you need to enable stereo upmix, set the settings in Xonar/Cmedia Audio Panel audio channels(system input):2 sound analog output:7.1(8) speakers.
Some of us on the JRiver Forum have questions about upsampling:
1. We believe that when using ASIO with the Asus Essence ST/STX upsampling is bypassed because ASIO communicates directly with the soundcard. Do you know if this is true?
2. We are wondering the same thing when using WASAPI Exclusive?
In addition I have the CPanel version of your drivers installed. When I am using the soundcard are there any differences between running with the CPanel open or closed? I don't have any effects or DSP turned on in the panel.Again it would be interesting to know the same thing for both ASIO and WASAPI Exclusive.
Thanks very much for whatever information you can provide. Have been using your drivers for quite awhile and really appreciate what you have done for us.
1. Yes, the ASIO component is detecting and changing the sample rate according to its source.
You also should hear a pop when you change to music with different sample rate.
2. Don't know about this one.
I am not sure what you are referring as open, as in running or as in having the windowed opened. I would say that is does not matter if the C-media Panel is running or not. While there are some claims that C-Media Panel offers a better quality compared to Asus one, I am suspecting that Asus Panel is crippling the sound quality, and not that running C-Media Panel is improving it. So not running is just as fine.
Panel options don't affect ASIO playback. Again I am not sure about WASAPI Exclusive.
I installed the C-media version without GX enabled of 1.64 beta drivers..I can say that the music is richer in detail..I heard now sounds that i haven't before..
Anyway the GX is unusable in most of times...
I used Audio Technica ATH M50 + Asus Essence ST in both situations..
Thanks for sharing. Which drivers and panel option did you used before?
Before i had 1.64 Normal installation (Asus Control Panel)
Thanks guys !!
Changed from Asus to C-Media Panel (no re-install probs at all).
Bass definately feels tighter to my ears, mids are woody and the upper end is crystal.
Have DX2 connected both digital and analog simultaneously into Denon 2803 and Logitech Z-550. Linear Design 5way fronts with 15" woofs.
Totally stoked with sound reproduction and software versatility.
Many thanks,
I finally got the card to WORK! I took the card to a shop nearby and after explaining the problem, the guy at the shop gave me an old-style Molex male-to-female adapter. I tried it on the card when I came back home and it WORKED! I have never heard my FLAC files sound so perfectly! The sound produced by this card is amazing!! I just wanted to let you know of my solution, as apparently the Molex cables that came with my Corsair 850 power supply did not fit the connector on the card perfectly. He suggested I try another cable from Corsair, which I might do today. But as of right now, the card is working and it is beautiful!
Glad it now works and thanks for sharing the solution.
Can my STX drive either DT880 or DT990 250oh with the STX?
If you would've done <1 min of searching you would've surely been able to find the answer. The specs of the Xonar STX list a built-in headphone amp capable of driving cans up to 600Ω.
I have read from numerous forums about them and majority keeps saying i need a dedicated amp/dac to run them. Now i ain't a self proclaim audiophile, i just want these headphones because of their comfort, sound and longevity.
That would probably be true if you´d be using an MP3-player or (onboard) sound card without built-in amp. Other than this info I'm not familiar with the Audio Technica DT's.
The STX sound card however seems aimed specifically at audio enthousiasts/audiophiles that want to use high(er) end headphones (generally with higher impedances) with it. I would think this will be able to drive it. I quote: "A high-quality TI TPA6120A2 headphone driver supports headphones up to 600ohms of impendence with lower than 0.001% distortion. Drive your headphones as intended without additional amplification."
One way to find out for real: try it. You can always buy a dedicated amp later...
I believe it can run them fine, just the 'hardcore' audiophiles don't see it as a 'proper' source. Thanks for that, i felt like i wasted money.
I want to thank you guys for all your hard work & dedication, I've installed your 1.63 drivers & finally my DG card is functioning.The fact is there is a multitude of hardware out there GFx & audio cards & so on with the focus of the manufacturers being on sales & not support.This is very frustrating. I've spent countless hours scouring the internet for solutions to driver issues for my onboard ASUS VIA sound to no avail, so I bought a Xonar DG only to repeat the experience. NVidia have also wasted much of my time due to their current drivers. Having said that I have a question relating to installing the Xonar DG , I have AC97 front panel wiring on my PC with individual Molex pin plugs, as you're no doubt aware there is no pinout diagram for connecting to an AC97 front panel in the Xonar installation guide. I've searched for the info extensively & there are differing opinions of AC97 / HD Audio compatibility pinouts. I ended up using a pinout from an Intel reference website which seems to work although I have some static noise through my headphones when I connect to my FP jack. Can anyone tell me the correct pinout?
Good advice if you love music don't upgrade to windows 8 untill they patch the latency issues. there is alot of problems and im constantly getting static and many others are! i have the Asus Xonar Essence STX and a PC 363D and can't use them to there ful potential because of such high latency with Windows 8.
The download link for "7.1 virtual speaker shifter enhanced profile" is down... I googled it, but couldn't find it anywhere else. Can you upload it again, please?
Just checked it and it online now. Try again, and if not I will upload it somewhere else.
The download link is still down for me. =/
It shows the following error: "The file you attempted to download is an archive that is damaged or possibly encrypted. MediaFire does not support unlimited downloads of broken or encrypted archives and the limit for this file has been reached. This file may only be distributed from a premium account."
i'd appreciate if you could upload it again, please.
Strange, thanks for the details. I will have to check the other links as well.
Mirror here.
the "cant use 100% volume bug" still exist in latest beta?
Yes its still there. If you are on Win7 please read the updated page dedicated to this subject.
ok thx.. just recently got the DG, but couldn't really differentiate between DG and the onboard ALC 887.. any heads up on is it whether my settings? i find the ALC 887 louder compared to the DG for my speakers..
Perceived sound quality is depended on many factors like speakers, music quality, ear sensitivity & your "state of mind". On thing's for sure, there is a difference between DG and your onboard.
The loudness is not a factor of quality.
For proper settings read the FAQ: Q&A 9. What are best settings to achieve best audio quality and functionality from my (Xonar) card (updated 14.12.2012)?
You might also install UNi Xonar with Cmedia Panel. There are reports that the sound quality is better than Normal (Asus Panel), you can read the comments above.
wow thanks for such prompt reply! I didn't just meant loudness, but tried both out and really cant differentiate .. alright will try it out 😀 hopefully able to change my perception towards it.
btw how do you install both? the installer only can choose either 1.. if Cmedia, should i choose the 1 with GX?
btw how do you install both? the installer only can choose either 1.. if Cmedia, should i choose the 1 with GX?
Chose the 3rd, the one without GX.
Thanks! got it already.
I own the Asus Xonar DG but after installing the latest Uni Xonar, I can't enable my rear microphone, it wants to use the front port which I don't use?
Try uninstalling and installing drivers again. If not try with an older driver.
What OS do you have?
<blockquote cite="#commentbody-10570">
CarvedInside :
Try uninstalling and installing drivers again. If not try with an older driver.
What OS do you have?
I have tried both UNi Xonar 1796 v1.54 and UNi Xonar 1815 v1.64 beta with different options selected, none will let me choose the microphone port.
Windows 7 x64
Its strange, at this point I don;t know if its a localized problem or something with these versions of UNi Xonar. Maybe someone else with a DG can confirm or deny this.
If you install the Asus drivers now, the rear microphone option appears?
Try with 1.53 and maybe do a driver cleaning like its presented in the FAQ Q&A1
Btw use the Reply button on the comment and not Quote.
I can confirm that the official Asus drives allow me to select "micrphone" or "front panel" as I have always done it before.
1.53 is exactly the same even with driver cleaning. When I install UNi Xonar I also use the Asio 1.0 patch (that's built in)
I'm pretty sure its because of Asio 1.0 Path option. Try without it. And if you need Asio 1.0, maybe use Asio4all.
Also, Front Panel won't work for my headphones, I've tried the tool on here but it will not work. Asio4All blocks audio output for any other device, that's why I was quite excited to use UNi Xonar.
Disabling Asio 1.0 fixed everything...
Hi guys, I have a 2.1 speaker setup. Two Creative T40s and a sub. The sub is connected to the center / subwoofer port on the back of my card. The only way I can get this to work though is by selecting 6 speakers.
The problem that this causes though is in games, I do not hear the voices etc as they are expecting to come out of my non-existant center speaker.
Is there a way to setup 2.1 speakers? e.g. speakers plugged into the front port and the sub plugged into the center / subwoofer port?
I am currently using the C-media panel software and it is a Xonar D2X sound card.
Your OS?
Windows 7 64 bit
Also, to clarify, my sub is actually an audio transducer. This shouldn’t make any difference. But what I’m looking to achieve is sound out of my speakers and bass out of the transducer. The transducer gives off vibrations rather than raw sub bass and does this well. The only problem is how I can activate the sub channel with only two speakers.
Try this: Install drivers with Re-enable stereo upmix or re-enable it with the standalone application if it was previously unchecked, and use the following settings: 6 speakers (system output) and 2 channels (system input).
You might want also connect the subwoofer in the second jack (rear speaker jack) near front speaker jack.
Let me know if this helped.
Sorry, where is the stereo upmix option? I can't see it.
Its in the installer (but you need to uninstall and install again). Or you have a application to enable it in this package
2.1 is not a configuration that is directly supported by the Xonar drivers. Most 2.1 speakers have a single stereo input and use a built-in crossover filter to separate the bass and feed it to the subwoofer.
Also, my read speaker jack is the opposite end of my sound card. I've just checked the manual and the rear speaker jack is definately the amber coloured port, and the front is the green port. Is this where you would like me to connect the sub?
27.02.2012 : Win Vista/7/8 : Updated the workaround for Dynamic (fluctuating) volume when there are 2 or more active sound sources.Good years!?
I think I am living in the past.