

  1. Benjamin Reilly23 Mar 2013 @ 15:23

    After several tests I have found that installing drivers without converter driver as directly instance, 2 systems speaker are well supported with the lowest latency: max 200 or little more, that's seem a miracle (at least for me). But issue wait for a while: 5.1 systems have issues when audio is enabled for all speakers changing registry settings, with latency normal support, so to force the unixonar installation and delete from registry system audio converter instances which further reduce latency and make better audio as well. so the better solution for 5.1 system would be to install only audio driver enabling directly 5.1 as happen for all system devices. If you consider xonar as embedded audio system you understand perfectly the concept (no xonar controller, no special features, no additional featuring....) So who has 2 speakers should install the driver by device manager, who has 5.1 system should wait for a modded driver able to enable 5.1 audio during installation.


    • CarvedInside23 Mar 2013 @ 18:27

      I understood the part that the converter part of the driver causes higher DPC latency. But I don't understand what are saying with 5.1 systems.

      About the converter, tell me what did you do to delete that part? If you have deleted something from registry maybe you can share the registry files before and after.


  2. semtexxl23 Mar 2013 @ 17:13

    I found a very strange behaviour of adobe flash player while using version 11.3 version and higher. (everything like 11.2 works and lower works correctly). The problem occurs when I'm trying play some videos and sound is played through all 6 channels and I have installed c-media panel without any upmixing option checked. Every other program works correctly what means that number of input channels=number of output channels + bass redirection. As I said reinstalling to older 11.2 immediately fix this.


    • CarvedInside23 Mar 2013 @ 18:23

      If I understand it correctly, videos playing in flash are stereo upmixed to 6 channels. Maybe the guys reporting the stereo upmix issue with 1.64 where in fact having the problem you are describing.
      Tell me you OS.


    • Benjamin Reilly23 Mar 2013 @ 19:05

      I'm testing just by youtube video... by DPC Latency checker. I'm using 9.10/9.11 dirver which enables youtube hardware accelration on HD3850... other drives have not this features only 9.13. currently I've 350-650 latency on youtube video using 5.1 system So perhaps is a video audio bad combination the problem, which averburden the whole system: if I test the physx ageia card on my system without audio it accuse a good latency, while once installed xonar driver the latency increase 3 times.until 1700 instead of 400-500 in test mode (in game xonar and physx card cause minor effect till 300-450 max). Next time I will try to mod driver to install directly 5.1 audio system. During test if video pysx and xonar audio drivers didn't match also 4000 and above units of latency, but always audio drivers are responsible of this mismatch. Match generates well


  3. semtexxl23 Mar 2013 @ 19:05

    Sure win 7 ultimate 32bit


  4. Benjamin Reilly23 Mar 2013 @ 21:24

    Those are my system specs:
    CPU: pentium 4 670|
    SDRAM: OCZ platinum ddr400 2x1GB|
    GPU: Sapphire HD3850 AGP|
    PPU: Ageia PHYSX PCI|
    APU: Asus Xonar d2X|
    Operating system: XP Sp3|
    Browser: Srware Iron.
    Next days I will strive to mod driver to enable default 5.1 audio. if it is possible and I am able to apply this modification.


  5. Sale23 Mar 2013 @ 23:05

    I am on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and recently installed Asus Xonar DG sound card but unfortunately having problem getting 5.1 sound, I have Creative Inspire 5.1 5300 speaker set but only front left and front right speakers are producing sound. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


    • CarvedInside23 Mar 2013 @ 23:19

      Did it work with original drivers? Do they work in speaker test? You should also read recommended settings from FAQ Q&A 9


      • Sale23 Mar 2013 @ 23:55

        No did not work with original drivers, speaker test worked once or twice but not now and yes I read FAQ Q&A 9. Thanks

        Solved! Uninstalled the drivers used ccleaner, deleted registry files, restarted and reinstalled again and that worked for me.


  6. Sale24 Mar 2013 @ 00:26

    Solved! Uninstalled the drivers used ccleaner, deleted registry files, restarted and reinstalled again and that worked for me.


  7. Benjamin Reilly24 Mar 2013 @ 14:48

    Is there a way to enable 5.1 audio speakers by windows control panel? I noted this issue at least on XP. I can enable 5.1 only by xonar control panel.


  8. Die_ASUS_u_Monkeys24 Mar 2013 @ 19:11

    Thanks man you are the boss. Your driver solved the issue.


  9. Winnie25 Mar 2013 @ 22:25

    CarvedInside :
    I have come up with a method that will allow this regardless of the drivers you use. Especially because of the rear speaker delays in the original drivers its recommended that you install Uni Xonar drivers instead.

    Is that meaning, that the registry-settings for speaker-delays are not working with the original drivers?


    • CarvedInside25 Mar 2013 @ 22:33

      No. They work. Speaker-delays work if you have set them in the registry regardless of the drivers.


  10. Florin25 Mar 2013 @ 21:10

    Hello CarvedInside! Can you please tell me if by using your drivers I will be able to use both my headphones and my 2.1 speakers at the same time (without using a 3.5mm jack splitter) as I used to do with my old Realtek onboard sound card? With Realtek you can set you outputs as heaphones/speakers/mic separately, will I be able to do the same thing with UNI Xonar? Thank you very much for all your work.


    • CarvedInside25 Mar 2013 @ 22:10

      I have come up with a method that will allow this regardless of the drivers you use. Especially because of the rear speaker delays in the original drivers its recommended that you install Uni Xonar drivers instead.
      Assuming you have Win7/8 and you have 2 or 2.1 speakers (and not 4, 5.1, 7.1) try this:
      If you install the UNi Xonar drivers then “Re-enable stereo upmix” option must be selected. Connect headphones to rear speakers jack and speakers to front speakers jack (not front panel!). Set the following settings in Asus (or Cmedia) Panel: audio channels:2 and analog output: 4 speakers. There could be some games/applications that will require to manually set sound speaker config to 2 channels in in-game settings or application options.

      It can be done on XP as well but its a different guide for that.


  11. Winnie25 Mar 2013 @ 23:20

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-11896">
    CarvedInside :
    No. They work. Speaker-delays work if you have set them in the registry regardless of the drivers.

    OK, thanks!


  12. Jere27 Mar 2013 @ 20:16

    So I installed the C-media Panel option on my Xonar STX. Sounds a lot crisper and fuller :). Only trouble for me is that i cannot change the headphone gain level. I'm running Sennheiser HD650's wich are 300 ohm headphones. The +12dB gain that you can set in Output Deivces isn't quite enough in some songs. I would love if the gain window from the original driver could be integrated to the C-Media Panel? Maybe a future update?
    Otherwise cracking job on the driver. Sounds beautiful :).


    • CarvedInside27 Mar 2013 @ 20:44

      Thanks for you feedback:)
      Sorry it can't be done by me, and its unlikely that C-media ever will add headphone gain option. If you don't need to change the gain to often, launch Asus Panel from Start and set the desired headphone gain from there.

      I may try to make a standalone app for applying the different headphone gains.


      • crunzaty13 Apr 2013 @ 03:06

        Will you make a standalone app for changing the ohm?
        I love the program but i need to be able to change my ohm so i get the full out of my Sennheiser PC350's.



        • CarvedInside13 Apr 2013 @ 03:47

          Here is HP amp switcher for Headphones connected to rear. Let me know if this works. Then I will do this for HP connected to front panel as well.


  13. Steve29 Mar 2013 @ 04:30

    Just a quick Thankyou for the drivers along with one for the Front Panel Switcher. That was something I have been after for a very long time!!


  14. edmund30 Mar 2013 @ 19:01

    Greg :
    I tried the ASUS drivers as well as the XONARUni 1.64 drivers. I get an error that the power is not connected to the card. Now, I KNOW it is, I’ve tried 10x at least. It is connected to a know working power cable, and the card works with Win 7 and Win XP. The only difference is the new PC. I’m using an HP Envy 1520t and Windows 8 x64.
    ANY suggetions?
    If it helps/matters .. Its the Essence STX.

    Hi Greg,

    The card works in Win XP you say!?
    I cannot record in HD, so are you saying you can?
    That would be good news to me.
    If so what dirver and all did you use?



  15. Greg30 Mar 2013 @ 17:51

    I tried the ASUS drivers as well as the XONARUni 1.64 drivers. I get an error that the power is not connected to the card. Now, I KNOW it is, I've tried 10x at least. It is connected to a know working power cable, and the card works with Win 7 and Win XP. The only difference is the new PC. I'm using an HP Envy 1520t and Windows 8 x64.

    ANY suggetions?


    If it helps/matters .. Its the Essence STX.



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