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Wow thanks for clearing this out.
Fixed every problems by removing the card form the system. Now latencies are very very slow by embedded audio-system. I think this card is better for audio but not for gaming, in certain or many case it waste performance.
I suspect that its because of your system you get these kind of issues with the Xonar card.
Yes, I think the same: I use Asus P5VD1-X motherboard PT880 ULTRA (via chipset) after installing it others cards as Ageia physx has several more times latencies. Hearing youtube fairly 900 us af latencies... perhaps northbridhe which combo AGP and PCiE or other causes.... although in the other my system Asrock 4coredual-sata2 (PT880 PRO/ULTRA) I use physx card pci express together AGP HD3850 vga but I have low latencies. Casually I noted in a case latencies became low for all system, that is when in SMARTGART (fast write specs in BIOS) AGP WRITES is OFF. I don't know the reason but I assume that some kine of conflict arise between agp VGA and Xonar d2X (but not PHYSX PCIE card). Could be AV200 PCI core? This core is PCI and not native PCIE. Your drivers are very good because I got 350-6000 us instead of 800-900. Other feedback: after installing xonar drivers physx test showed 1400-2000us of latencies, without xonar 400-500 (during JTF physx-game without xonar but embedded audio latency decreases to 14-27-30 values from 400-600us). So the orpovements is significant. HEre are the specs about FAST WRITE gart option: AGP Writes
Allows the user to turn AGP writes on or off. AGP writes allow the graphics accelerator to write directly to the system’s main memory (located on the motherboard). AGP writes can be used to store graphics data in the system’s main memory saving valuable graphics memory for other data. But as the frame buffer size of graphics accelerators has increased, the need to transfer textures from the graphics accelerator’s memory to the system’s main memory has reduced significantly. Unfortunately some chipsets are not able to support AGP writes with a consistent level of stability, and must be disabled as a result.
Then upgrade your very old pc, when you can.
Please be more concise with what you say,and try not to give to much unimportant details, because its really hard to read your comments. Thank you.
The previous solution doesn't work. after one reboot of Winamp.
Please next time reply or link to your old comment so we can understand what your new comment is all about.
I guess something is wrong with your configuration, but I don't know what.
I want to put -0.32 semitones or -1.82% rate (-0.318 & -1.818% exactly) in the cmedia-panel pitch-karaoke options but i don't know how to do that, can you help me please?
Sorry don't know how. Change it in ASUS Audio Center if you previously could do it there.
I can but it's not precise, its only -1 -2 :/
I'm sure there is a way but i dont know wich files to edit.
Hi there, I don't know if this is the right place to post about technical problems, but I'm at my wits end with my Xonar DSX and ASUS support has been absolutely pitiful.
I purchased my card nearly a month ago, and everything seemed to go smoothly, no problems installing the card or the drivers and getting everything working. However, whenever the card is driving audio, it isn't long before my whole system freezes and becomes completely unresponsive. The only way to recover it is to power it off and reboot. The problem doesn't occur when the card is installed, but I use my GPU's HDMI-out for audio, or if I just don't play any audio at all. I've tried all the ASUS official drivers, as well as these Uni Xonar drivers, but nothing seems to solve the issue. I've uninstalled and removed all traces of any other audio drivers except the Xonar drivers, but I can't find a solution.
I love the card, it sounds excellent, but my experience with it has been a nightmare. I know the card is not defective, because it works fine on another system, but for some reason I just can't get it to work properly with my computer. Windows Event Viewer doesn't seem to record anything of use for this problem, and I'm getting no error messages which would indicate anything is out of the ordinary.
Specs of my system (if you're interested):
AMD Athlon II X4 645
AMD Radeon HD 6670
Windows 8 Pro w/ Media Center
Acer MoBo
Make sure you have GX disabled.
Try your card in another system. Its either a incompatibility with your present system or the card is defective.
If its a incompatibility with the current system, try a BIOS update for you motherboard and you might also try different PCIE slots.
I removed my GPU and installed the Xonar card into my PCI-E x16 slot, and it seems to be working fine now. So this tells me the problem could be one of two things:
1. The sound card doesn't get along with my GPU or it's drivers.
2. The PCI-E x1 slot on my motherboard is bad in some way.
I guess my next step is to try putting it in the x1 slot without my GPU installed.
Thanks for your help so far!
Have you reach to any conclusions? Anyway let us know how things turn out.
As a follow up to my first comment (to avoid making the first so wordy), I've noticed that the Xonar DSX and HT| Omega eClaro are very similar cards, and run similar drivers, and I was wondering if there were some way I could "trick" the HT|Omega drivers into working for my Xonar card. I've read that people have fewer problems with the Omega drivers vs. the Asus ones, and I wondered if that might help my problem mentioned above.
Omega and Asus drivers are 100% the same. The only difference is the panel used,which is Cmedia in the case of Omega drivers.
Hi there! Just bougth a asus xonar dx soundcard and come across a tip about your webpage. i´ve downloaded the latest driver from this site, but how do i install it? Got win 7, when i doubleclick the soundcard in the device manager to update the driver it says no supported files detected in the folder were the file is
I'm not sure what you are describing. Have you meant to say that you/ve launched the uni xonar installer ("UNi Xonar 1818 v1.70.exe") and after its installation, the card still wasn't detected?
What i meant whas that my pc dont now what to Do with the file, if i doubleClick on it, it opens up the programlist so i have to choose what type of program to ascosciate it whit, it doesent look lika a exe file, and if i use the device manager to install the file it says its not a supported filetype, so my question is, how Do i install the file?
The file is an exe (executable), it does not need any program to be opened with. Maybe you've downloaded some other file. Please download again, you have the link here. If you still don't see it as a executable then you are doing something wrong or you've involuntary changed the settings to your Windows so that you can't launch exe anymore.
something must have been wrong, when i´ve downloaded from the link you write, it´s a exe-file, but the file i´ve downloaded earlier was named 70[1]-file... no wonder it did not work...downloaded it from the mirror site, well now i got the exe file so i´m gonna try to install that, thank you very much!
LE: Now it works! Thanx again!
Is the current method of enabling the different amp modes for headphone amplification still only through ASUS' software panel?
Kinda. I've made a standalone app for that, maybe it will suit your needs. Here it is. Right now its only for headphones connected to the card and not the front panel.
After installing 'Windows 8' (64bit) I had (optical) sound from my 'Xonar HDAV1.3 Deluxe' via the (Windows 7) Asus drivers but could not start the 'Xonar HDAV center Deluxe' control to switch to HDMI output.
I'm glad Google brought me here: After the 'install an unsigned driver on Windows 8' procedure and install of 'ASUS XONAR Unified Drivers 1.70' the 'Xonar HDAV center Deluxe' works again 😉
When switching the output from 'Optical' to 'HDMI' the "relay says: click ;-)" and must admit: It all sounds better! Thanks a lot!
Please Note: the 1.64 drivers also worked fine, I'm somewhat late with my confirmation an donation 😉
I am pleased to hear that and thanks for sharing your experience.
Thank you very much for your donation! 🙂
Hello, I managed to install a STX and a DX card in the same computer, STX is controlled by Asus Official audio driver, the DX with your Driver, the DX has no asus or c media panel but it's accesible throught windows audio default controller. My question do I enable PCM audio in the DX (the one accesible by the default windows controller, windows does not have that option) I hope you can help me.
Ok, I just found out about I how i can change the settings in the registry, but how do I change it?? everything is numbers….
There is only one way. Disable the STX card in device manager, launch Asus/Cmedia Panel and so you will be able to change settings for the DX card instead of the STX. Once you're done you can enable the STX card.
Knowing how to change the settings from the registry files won't be of any help, because you will still need to disable and enable the card in Device Manager in order for the settings to apply.
so if I disable one card, I can change settings in the other one??? mainly because I want switch between the both cards depending on the media played....Tnx for your attention..
LE: It worked!!! many thanks!!! I spent all night trying, as always the simplest solution is the hardest to find.. (I want to use the xonar STX for listening flac music and the DX for blu ray and games, since it has direct 6ch output)
New DG and DGX official drivers are out:
1821 for Vista / 7 /8
1816 for XP
I forgot to say that all drivers have valid signatures incl. inf
v5.12.8.1816 WinXP
v6.0.8.1821 Vista
v7.0.8.1821 Win7
v8.0.8.1821 Win8
I tested them for the Xonar DX (modified inf) with the signtool and I have installed the Win7 driver pack.
It includes the AsusAudioCenter
As usual thanks for sharing! 😉
There are also new drivers for Xonar D-Kara 😉
From what I've seen, D-Kara drivers aren't useful for our purposes. You can cross them out of your list.
New 1821 driver...really? Should I wait with reinstalling my system with new driver? 😉 However are there really any updates in this new versions or specific driver version belongs to specific model only?!
You should not wait, you can install them later when the new UNi drivers are ready. Well, the audio drivers files (1821 is they're version) are much newer than 1818 by about 4 months, but we don't know what fixes they contain. Driver versions don't belong to a specific model only even if they are released only with some models.
ok then thanks for clarification.
Hey, I watch alot of anime/movies....need advice....^_^
What sound device should I enable? Speakers or SPDI/F Pass thru? I have a STX connected via Optical
What happens when I have Speakers check? Same question if I have SPDI/F checked in Sound devices...Who/what handles what? (Sound wise)
Most Animes I watch are 2 channel and my Movies are either 5.1 DD or DTS....
It is even possible to have RCA analog for 2 channel while having a Optical connected for 5.1 as well??
Also, I noticed that when I watch anime that has a 44.1khz audio my receiver upsamples it to 48khz...(Lost some sleep to this as I want to have bit perfect!)
I found a solution to that by changing the Default Format (To whatever Frequency Sample u have currently playing) in Properties of whatever Sound Device your using....I wished it was auto though....Thoughts on this?
Would really appreciate some help as I tend to lose sleep over this....
Hi, I have a Xonar DX and I'm using it mainly for gaming on PC. I bought myself the PC360 headset and have a hard time keeping a good quality sound when using the "dolby headphone" technology from the Xonar DX panel. (Dolby headphone simulates surround sound which really increases the quality of the directionnal cues on my PC360s but also introduces a slight reduction in sound quality... bringing a hollow feeling to the sound... sorta like being inside a tin can...)
While searching for solutions, I found out about the UNI drivers...
So for what I do with my sound card, what type of setup should I go for with the UNI drivers ? Low DPC latency install (no Asus Audio center) ? (bt if I do that, I'll have no Dolby Headphone feature right ?)
I see that there are Stand alone apps available, but then again, i'm not quite sure which ones I need to install for my needs. Any advice will be GREATLY appreciated, thanks in advance 😉
Its unlikely that you will see a improvement with "Dolby Headphone" option with UNi Xonar drivers.
Even if you go with Low DPC latency you can access the Asus Audio Center or better yet Cmedia Panel and thus enable Dolby Headphone if you wish to do so. Please read in detail the UNi Xonar Features. You choose which Panel configuration suits your needs, I personally recommend Low DPC Latency or Cmedia Panel but its entirely up to your "usage".
Don't worry about standalone apps, those are mostly used by people who don't want to launch Asus Audio Center(because of the DPC latency increase and such).
You might be interested in reading the Q&A:9 from the FAQ for tips on how properly configure the audio settings, they might be of help in enhancing your sound quality.
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