

  1. Rigel30 Apr 2014 @ 17:17

    Just to report that Asus has finally released Win 8.1 32/64bit drivers also for the Essence ST. I wonder why the came so late than the STX ones. (Beta) Version is still Any difference from UniXonar's? I guess they are the same drivers.


    • CarvedInside30 Apr 2014 @ 18:50

      There is no justifiable reason for the release delay. They are the same drivers as those in UNi Xonar 1.72.


  2. Jan11 May 2014 @ 18:22

    I want to buy a new soundcard and I am very interested in the Essence STX II since I need a PCIe card with analog 5.1 output.
    I have a couple of questions about this card: Is it supported by the UNi driver? And does the UNi driver contain FlexBass or some other kind of bass management/redirection? If so, does it work in ASIO mode (maybe with official drivers?)?
    I ask this, because my subwoofer does not have a built-in crossover so I have to rely on software.


    • CarvedInside11 May 2014 @ 23:45

      STXII is not supported, at least not at the moment, for more info see this comment. As UNi Xonar are modded drivers based on the original drivers, they have FlexBass. FlexBass does not work with ASIO output.


      • Quazacolt16 May 2014 @ 11:10

        for the time being, is it possible to install uni xonar, and then manually update the drivers via device manager?


      • eiffel24 Jun 2014 @ 15:02

        Just wonder about the STX II drivers - practically the chipset and most of the board is the same - so in theory drivers may work also with STX ?


  3. Optimxr17 May 2014 @ 08:46

    UniXonar driver 1821 v1.71 Install Does not complete, but driver installs OK with no Audio Panel.

    System: Asus STX Audio Brd(PCIe), Asus P8Z77-V-PRO MoBrd, 16GB Ram, Windows 7 Pro,64bit.

    Actions Taken: After attempted Asus driver failed, did RP before Asus Install, downloaded Maxedtech driver, uninstalled Asus driver,Ran drive cleaner(as admin), enabled test mode as admin from command prompt, installed Uni Xonar 1821 v1.71 driver which took almost 5min then hung at the very end of progress bar. I waited over 20min, then used task mgr to close the application. I checked the device mgr and Asus Essence STX Audio Device was listed. I checked the startup menu but no sign of Asus Audio Panel, then I checked Windows Audio P/R mixer and Asus Player was listed but nothing else. I restarted the PC and checked P/R mixer and all the Asus Playback and Record options were listed. I played several audio tracks which sounded good, then make a recording using the wav input and that was good also. I looked around for a Audio Panel other than the Windows mixer and found nothing. What do I need to do to install the Audio Panel(C-Media or Asus Control Center)?


    • CarvedInside18 May 2014 @ 00:41

      Firstly, uncheck "Silent installation" in UNi Xonar installer so that you can see the errors when installation hangs. If by any chance you are selecting "Digital signature bypass", do not check it anymore. Just so you know, after enabling Test Mode you need to restart. Installing in Test Mode is not necessary for your card.
      It looks to me like drivers aren't installing at all and Windows just uses a backup copy of audio drivers you had once installed. It's not clear, are you saying that the ASUS drivers don't install as well?

      You should check the dedicated page "Having problems installing UNi Xonar drivers? Refer to this topic" and see if those solutions work for you.


      • Optimxr19 May 2014 @ 10:01

        Hello Carvedinside, success using Solution #2. Using Solution #1 did not work because when I selected the folder where the UNiXonar driver was located, Windows could not find the driver. I also attempted to find the driver via the Mfr list but there was nothing under Audio,Video Devices. It appeared that Windows was looking for a file with the .inf file extension but all the UNiZXonar files that I have downloaded are .exe files, so they were not recognized. I followed your suggestions to not select "Silent Installaton", not to check "Digital signature bypass" and I selected "Low DPC Latancy" and in the startup menu I have both the C-Media Panel and Xonar Audio Center. They all seem to be fully functional at this point. I have many more tests to perform, but I am gratful that the UNi Xonar driver really works. I will be happy to donate through my Paypal account soon. MaxedTech has certainly provided a much needed service in true form....Thanks again for your excellent work.


        • CarvedInside20 May 2014 @ 22:30

          Glad to hear that everything is working now.

          FYI for "Possible solution 1" you had to go to the folder where you've extracted "1.72 driver only.7z" and not where the .exe was.


  4. Optimxr18 May 2014 @ 10:54

    Thanks for the quick response, Carvedinside, and all your hard work as well. To answer your question "did the ASUS drivers install as well?", they did not and the ASUS installation locked up the computer entirely, requiring a hard shutdown. I am assuming that restoring to a Restore Point made before the ASUS installation is enough to clear all remnants of the installation. Am I correct in that assumption? When I check device mgr after a uninstall or after drive cleaner, the only drivers I see are the Realtek drivers that Windows provides as a default. After I install the Uni Xonar driver, the Realtek drivers are disabled and the ASUS drivers are listed as "Ready" and they do seem to work. I will try again following your suggestion not to bypass digital signature and restart after enabling Test Mode(needed for all x64 systems) and unchecking "Silent installation" to see the errors. I will report back with new results. Thanks again for your help.

    LE: Whoops, missed your comment on Test Mode…it is not needed for my Xonar Essence STX Card. Got It!


    • CarvedInside18 May 2014 @ 23:27

      Please use the reply function properly. When replying to an existing discussion, use reply button floating on the right of the comment you are replying to.


      • Optimxr19 May 2014 @ 05:33

        I get it Carvedinside, thanks for the correction. I am proceeding to the solution #1, and will post my results.


  5. Ice20 May 2014 @ 19:22

    I am heaving a trouble with bluestacks app player(android emulator) and this sound card.
    It has no sound at all i tried official asus drivers now i tried this ,and it still as no sound at all
    Xonar DG ,windows 7 64


  6. Al Curtis22 May 2014 @ 03:56

    Have an Xonar HDAV1.3 Deluxe card. Using 1.72 drivers, CMedia control panel correctly shows either 6ch or 8ch analog speakers and will correctly test sound, but in the ASUS HDAV center shows only 2 front and only test 2 speakers for analog out. I do not know if the HDAV center is working correctly as i want to drive a power amp directly from the sound card using the on screen volume control.


  7. Technics26 May 2014 @ 03:20

    Thnx for the hdav support


  8. Rickard27 May 2014 @ 14:34

    Is there anyway to change to the headphones output without using the audio center so the latency wont increase? (There are no headphones in the list of playback devices so i cant change there).

    Love the drivers though, keep up the good work.


    • CarvedInside29 May 2014 @ 21:51

      Use C-Media Panel or better yet use XonarSwitch. Using these won't increase the DPC latency.


      • Rickard30 May 2014 @ 12:03

        Ah, ok. I thought the latency increased with those too, stupid me :p

        Thank you so much!


  9. adam28 May 2014 @ 07:34


    When installing the driver, the progress bar gets to the end, hangs for a while before delivering the following message "Please plug in Uni Xonar Audio Device!". Obviously I have the sound card plugged in!

    I have a xonar dg.

    Any help would be much appreciated.



    • Nightcro28 May 2014 @ 18:58

      Try to install it why you are in safe mode, that's how it works for me. I encountered that error many times and only in safe mode worked for me.


      • Nightcro28 May 2014 @ 18:59

        While you are in safe mode ^^ πŸ˜›


      • adam29 May 2014 @ 01:40

        Thank you. I have just rma'd the card as there was a constant hiss/buzz when using the headphone setting. I will try your method when I receive the new card.



  10. Magnus29 May 2014 @ 07:45

    Can some one help me. i Have xonar dg and logitech 5.1 z506.After reinstall win 7 my center speaker and subwoofer dont work. Before the the reinstall everitthing was working fine. I install same win7 as the last time and same drivers. when i open asus media center and try to do speaker test i see visual notification that speaker working but i have no sound on that center speaker and the subwoofer. Can some one help me plss.


  11. shon3i06 Jun 2014 @ 10:06

    Did somebody had problem to run ASIO 1.0 Patch on Windows 8.1 update 1 ? I really need this thing since only way to use all (5.1) speakers equally and listen background sounds in same time.. Everything was working on Windows 7, but on Windows 8.1 i get message that can't initialize ASIO driver, even is everything installed fine..



    • Alt09 Jun 2014 @ 12:44

      Instead of "ASIO 1.0 Patch" try ASIO Bridge (free/donationware) or ASIO Link (trial) in DS or WASAPI interfaces.


      • shon3i12 Jun 2014 @ 22:29

        I tried both ASIO Brige and Link, but still unable to produce same behavior like with Patch 1.0. Mine goal is to listen via foobar2000 using ASIO while i can hear other sounds from windows/youtube etc... I use ASIO output because on that way i have not "pulsing" effect while increase volume to very loud, also why use ASIO is custom channel mapping so i can use full upmix like on Windows XP, that when i listen stereo music on 5.1 system, music sound equally on all speakers and woofer. I am really sick of "upmixing" to surround and loosing potential of speakers. I am now buy some 3.5mm splitters and put all speakers to one output..


  12. Alexx06 Jun 2014 @ 18:27

    Hey there, CarvedInside!

    It's been a while since my last hello πŸ˜‰
    Now a new little problem showed up.
    I miss my control panel!
    After installing Alexas Dolby Addon the Dolby panel is there but the other control panel just lacks.
    Sound is fine.
    Can I just "overinstall" the new UniXonar 1.72 ??
    Or should I leave it, since it's working?

    Thanks for suggestions!


    • CarvedInside07 Jun 2014 @ 11:36

      Hi. Sorry, I don't undestand which control panel are you reffering (Asus/Cmedia Panels or the Dolby Home Theatre Control panel) and what the problem is exactly.


      • Alexx07 Jun 2014 @ 19:27

        Greetings! Sorry for not being more accurate πŸ˜‰ Yeah, I meant the Asus panel. I just did a clean install of Alexas Addon 1 to have the DHT 4 functions. All works properly but as far as I remember my last successful installment, the Asus panel was also present after that. Have I done something wrong. I just wonder, 'cause it doesn't let me choose if I want to use Asus or C-Media panel... So I think I missed something, did I? I know I could just try to install the new UniXonar driver afterwards, but on the other hand, I'm just happy it works so well right now. I'm afraid I could mess up my current sound setting. So, what's your advice?

        Thank you, pal!

        In short: Can I install UniXonar 1.72 over the Alexa DHT 4 install? Or will it mess up the DHT 4 functions??


        • CarvedInside08 Jun 2014 @ 13:49

          It might not work, but I don't know for sure. If you have Windows System Restore enabled you should be able to get back to your original configuration if you encounter any problems.

          About the installed panel. Maybe you've installed Alexa's DHT mod when it wasn't a addon and the Uni Xonar installer didn't had the addon functionality, starting with 1.64 rev2 you should be able to install the desired panel(Asus/Cmedia) along side with the DHT4 addon mod.


          • Alexx08 Jun 2014 @ 16:09

            Thanks for your replies! I think I stay on my working configuration with DHT 4 & Xonar Switch πŸ™‚ It works very well!


  13. krrishdk17 Jun 2014 @ 01:19

    Hello guys I installed Asus Xonar DGX sound card yesterday.Downloaded latest drivers from Asus website. I have Audio Technica ATH-m50x and they sounded awful. Then I uninstalled the drivers and downloaded UNI Xonar Drivers v1.72 win 8.1X64. Now these sounds a lot better.I am confuse about installing options. I have selected C-Media Audio Panel in installation and install was successful.( 1st time Asus center then Low DPC latency and finally C-media Audio Panel).I tested sound a lot of times but can't figure it out. I want good sound quality and want to use DGX headphone amp. Please tell me for the better music sound quality what option and setting I should select. Thanks and Cheers


    • CarvedInside18 Jun 2014 @ 01:32

      Hi. Try using Low DPC Latency configuration and use XonarSwitch to control the cards settings.


      • krrishdk18 Jun 2014 @ 21:16

        Hi CarvedInside I did as you suggested but I hear hissing voice in my left side of headphones.I also uninstalled Realtek hd audio drivers. And Sir music quality is not that good in Low DPC Latency Config. ( May be I did something wrong.) Left speaker sounds louder than right.


        • Nightcro19 Jun 2014 @ 21:24

          I encountered many times the problem with the left speaker sounding louder than the right one on my logitech 5.1 x-530, only after i would restart the system or reinitialize the driver in device manger, it would work as it should, the same level of sound from both speakers,but after the recent updates i haven't encountered that annoying problem for a long time.


  14. krrishdk21 Jun 2014 @ 06:56

    Well Hello Sir I reinstalled all drivers and everything working alright. Tried Low DPC Latency and it sounds alright. It's a little bit quieter that other panel drivers like C-media Asus Center and treble seems on high side. Please suggest me addons for better music quality. Cmon I wanna hear the real music from Ath-m50x. Thanks


    • semtexxl21 Jun 2014 @ 14:06

      It is most likely not problem of your card. Change your audio source for better quality. It is an old audio cliche but bad input = bad output or sh*t in = sh*t out πŸ˜‰ no matter what you're trying to do. Addons are just destroying music. Feed it with something appropriate to their quality.


  15. Yue22 Jun 2014 @ 00:06

    I have an issue.
    OS : Windows 8.1
    Card : Xonar STX
    Issue : Noise after cutting off sound.
    I tried with both the latest(and only..) official and this modded driver, but when "Smart Volume" is enabled in the Control Panel, whenever a sound cuts off, like say, I pause a video on youtube or on my computer, it will be trailed off by what seems to be very noticeable static/snow/interference for 15+ seconds until it finally cuts off. Now this is with Smart Volume, but it's still there if I disable SVN and crank up my volume to the max, I can hear it still, faintly, but it's still there.
    Other settings are High Gain+12dB since my headphones are 250ohms, along with Dolby Headphone/7.1 Virtual Speaker, PCM at 192 Khz (windows at 48Khz) and 2 channel. NO other setting, such as GX or HF are enabled. I've tried disabling all of them to no avail. I've never had that issue when I was under Windows 7 but downgraded to 8.1 two days ago to play some exclusive games.



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