

  1. neilus26 Jun 2014 @ 14:13

    hi, i just wanted to take the time to thank you for writing these drivers. they have sorted out all of my stereo to 5.5 upmixing problems on my d2 card. donation has been made.....please keep up the good work.

    cheers dude


  2. Tommy Henriksson29 Jun 2014 @ 17:03

    Hi there!
    Just discovered this site, canยดt wait to try out the latest drivers ๐Ÿ™‚ Iยดm so happy to see someone enhancing this drivers!!!


  3. Jesse03 Jul 2014 @ 14:17

    Hi, I'm wondering if this is an installation issue or if it's my PC. I have the Xonar Essence STX and I install the 1.72 64 bit drivers after a reformate of my PC (Without installing the Drivers from the ASUS website). I installed the correct installation during setup. My problem is: When I use J.River Media Center and have it set to WASAPI Exclusive mode in Windows 8.1 update 1 the Audio volume goes down to "0" and then no sound is heard. Also I can no longer have access to the Metro "Start Screen" and the volume control bar will not disappear from the upper left area of my screen. I have to restart my computer by pushing ALT+ F4. So Audio stops working and "Start" button stops working until I reboot my PC. Also is this a J.River issue or a driver issue?


  4. Pumba39804 Jul 2014 @ 01:07

    Hi CarvedInside. First of all - thank you for your hard work on this drivers! Really.

    But here is the thing, ive installed latest Windows 8.1 x64 and here is the problem... drivers not work properly (then i boot up my PC drivers doesnt boot properly, i dunno how to explain, like Windows didnt even load the drivers!no icon in taskbar, nothing) Only your modded drivers, but official drivers works fine for me! Any tips for x64? or maybe i should do something? Really hate official DX drivers. My soundcard is Asus Xonar DX.

    P.S: On x32 Windows 8.1 drivers worked fine for me, mate. Again, thank you for your hard work!


  5. angel8805 Jul 2014 @ 18:39

    whay u not support ROG Xonar Phoebus sound card ???


  6. potatomato07 Jul 2014 @ 21:24

    Hi, I am very impressed with the work you've done so far. I have a question, so I hope you'll consider it.

    My D2X was working perfectly fine up until a few days ago. Now, every time I start windows, I get :
    "The internal power for the xonar d2x is not detected.The audio card may not work."
    And then, I can't access the Xonar audio center to switch between headphones and 7.1 speakers.

    I've tried swapping power cables, tried the card in another PC, cleaned up drivers, re-installed asus drivers, removed those and installed UNI drivers, no luck whatsoever.

    But the thing is, I get perfectly sounding audio from the card with my headphones, so it's one of those things that has me stumped.

    Is there any way the "internal power" message can be disabled? Because as I said, the card is getting power, it's just a miscommunication somewhere.
    I hope you have an answer, or I might have to look into getting a new card.


    • CarvedInside08 Jul 2014 @ 17:56

      Hi. The PSU cable detection on the card might be broken. Maybe you get the error from Asus Audio Center, try installing the drivers with Low DPC Latency and see if you get the message when you restart. You can use XonarSwitch or the C-media Panel in order to change the card settings.


  7. Leon Schuitemaker07 Jul 2014 @ 22:59

    Hello CarvedInside thanks in advance for your hard work and possible reply to my question. I have ASUS drivers running on my Windows 7 64 bit system and they work fine. However, I want to switch off the subwoofer (reroute the .1 signal to my main speakers) since I have a 5.0 setup. Is this possible with your driver? Kind regards!


    • CarvedInside08 Jul 2014 @ 16:51

      I do read all the comments so no need to double post. I'm not aware of any way you could do that through the drivers. Although, I think you can do that within some audio and video players, directly or through using plugins. I know foobar2000 has a plugin(component) called Channel Mixer that would allow to redirect subwoofer, and Media Player Classic HC lets you customize the channels and their sound signals after you enable the build in audio switcher filter.


      • Leon Schuitemaker08 Jul 2014 @ 17:53

        Hi! Thanks! And sorry for the double post, I only discovered later this was actually the same forum.
        I have just installed MP Classic HC and in the audio switcher I chose 6 input channels, of which I checked and also unchecked the low frequency box. However, this does not influence the sub channel, the lows are still going there and not to the fronts... This works for all channels it seems, for example I can uncheck the center channel as well, it does not influence the center channel, it still remains playing.

        LE1: My bad again! The audio switcher in MPC HC does seem to work, starting to find out exactly how it works. Now on to playing a bluray with DTS-HD... ๐Ÿ™‚

        LE2: Strange thing is, it is possible to completely move the center channel signal to L + R but not possible to move the LFE completely to L + R - the .1 output still has a signal, no matter what boxes you check. So in the end I am not sure if the .1 signal is 100% on L+R.


        • CarvedInside08 Jul 2014 @ 20:13

          I couldn't make it work either. Seems to me there is a problem with the MPC audio filter.


          • Leon Schuitemaker08 Jul 2014 @ 20:20

            Are you saying there is no LFE going to R+L or that it's on both R+L and LFE (duplicated)? I'm maybe hearing the second option. I have to run a few more tests to find out.


            • CarvedInside08 Jul 2014 @ 20:35

              Channel redirecting, LFE or center to front left and front right.


              • Leon Schuitemaker08 Jul 2014 @ 20:49

                Well, it actually does work, if you check vertically. For example, if you want to redirect the center channel to L + R, you check the horizontal corresponding box on the vertical axe. This works for the center channel. However, with LFE, even if you uncheck the LFE channel, there is still sound going through it. Quite strange.

                LE:I meant to write the corresponding boxES on the vertical axe. Will post when I find out more. Foobar2000 doesnโ€™t work for me, because itโ€™s only music, no movie. MPC HC I still have to see if I can get Bluray to work.


                • CarvedInside09 Jul 2014 @ 12:53

                  You are right, now it works for center, but no change for LFE. I think LFE is already applied to front speakers as I get full bass on my speakers.


                  • Leon Schuitemaker09 Jul 2014 @ 19:53

                    I think so, but I am not quite certain yet. I am going to run a few tests to know for sure. Do you know if it is possible to play bluray in MPC HC? I can't get Bluray to play... ๐Ÿ™‚


  8. GRay08 Jul 2014 @ 00:16

    Cheers for these drivers, enjoying my Xonar DGX now, I sent a small token of thanks via paypal,


    • CarvedInside08 Jul 2014 @ 17:29

      It's good to know, and thanks for the donation. BTW, you've probably send the donation a few days ago, anyway you should check that your name is on donations list so there hasn't been some mistake.


    • Leon Schuitemaker11 Jul 2014 @ 15:11

      Thanks very much for your troubles in any case. I am now going to look for a player that has bass management and can also play bluray. Otherwise I might just as well skip the HD sound and go for the SPDIF straight into my receiver. Thanks!


  9. TheSupporter09 Jul 2014 @ 11:38

    Standalone App Pack - download link doesn't work at the moment, pls fix it.


  10. Joseph Hayden10 Jul 2014 @ 15:06

    I'm having a problem re installing the drivers for a Xonar U7. Getting a box during installation that says " ASUS U7 Audio doesn't exist the installation will be terminated". I had it installed correctly but was having sound issues because a usb toggle switch on the bottom of the device for audio 1.0 and 2.0 for apple devices. I'm getting clean sound now but have no acces to the eq and other stuff. I didn't see The U7 listed and was kind of paranoid to install your drivers. Hit me back if you have any advice you think might help. Thanks , my name is Joseph.


    • CarvedInside10 Jul 2014 @ 19:49

      U7 is not supported in the UNi Xonar drivers. This is specified in Uni Xonar Features page.
      Now getting to your problem. I guess you could try installing your drivers using the methods described here. For possible solution 1, you have skip steps 1 and 2, and you would have to point to the folder that contains the driver files from the original drivers folder. This folder could be WIN7\SoftwareDriver\Driver.


  11. Joseph Hayden10 Jul 2014 @ 22:01

    Followed that and got a similar box asking to "Please plug in Xonar Audio Device" which is, as you know, already plugged in. The device manager was listing it as a USB digital audio device and that it is running properly but when I plug headphones in it's clear that's not the case. Thanks for helping me try to figure this out


    • CarvedInside11 Jul 2014 @ 00:19

      You should try the sound card in another PC and see if the installation would work there.


  12. Joseph Hayden11 Jul 2014 @ 01:10

    Same problem, bad card yes ?


    • CarvedInside11 Jul 2014 @ 13:16

      Please use the reply function properly. When replying to an existing discussion, use reply button floating on the right of the comment you are replying to. Website's javaScripts have to be running.

      It seems so.


  13. Phoenix318i12 Jul 2014 @ 05:59


    does anyone know why the movie mode of Dolby Pro Logic IIx got removed? The Music mode isn't well suited for upmixing movie content, I guess.


  14. Joseph Hayden14 Jul 2014 @ 03:32

    Some interesting developments, figured out how to get the device recognized and drivers installed and then most of the software worked but the sound was really strange, timing seemed to stretch and just odd sounding things. . . latency issues i'm guessing. I'm running sound through the card (Unrecognized) and it sounds fine out of my Klipsch pro media set up . I tried but could not get Uni Xonar drivers to recognize the device.


  15. Anton15 Jul 2014 @ 10:52

    I got some problems that I was hoping for someone could help me with.
    I have done everything according to the guide but it wont work. When I start Xonar Audio Center it says "Can't find any device".
    I have tried both V 1.72 and 1.64 r2 with different settings, nothing works.
    I use Windows 7 x64 and have a Asus Xonar DX card and it works with the "original-drivers".
    If someone could help me with this I would appreciate it a lot! Thanks!


    • CarvedInside15 Jul 2014 @ 16:05

      Check that you EEPROM wasn't overwritten. Guide how to do that here.


      • Anton15 Jul 2014 @ 17:28

        Thanks for your reply.
        But unfortunately that was not the problem. My EEPROM is in the OK list.
        Any other ideas what the problem could be?


        • CarvedInside16 Jul 2014 @ 00:10

          Does the installed driver version it show up correctly under card proprieties in Device Manager? Did you use any addons with the installer?


          • Anton16 Jul 2014 @ 11:31

            I manged to get it working now. I unchecked the "Digital signature bypass" and then it worked! ๐Ÿ™‚ Didn't use any addons.


            • Niclas14 Nov 2014 @ 20:16

              Would you explain me exactly what you did please? I don't get it.. ๐Ÿ™


              • CarvedInside15 Nov 2014 @ 16:08

                He did not enable a option (Digital signature bypass) that's no longer available in 1.75 drivers. In his case that option should not been enabled in the first place. If you have problems installing the drivers you can check these possible solutions.



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