

  1. Roman24 Oct 2014 @ 11:07

    I'll. what issue was that, something along with the installation?


    • CarvedInside24 Oct 2014 @ 15:54

      Please use the reply button properly. When replying to an existing discussion use reply button floating on the right of the comment you are replying to.
      Now, if you are using a NoScript browser addon then you should disable it so that reply to discussion button works correctly.

      It was a problem with the driver installation that did not apply the correct audio settings for the cards (e.g. to fix surround echo).


    • desmond29 Oct 2014 @ 22:29

      Hi, thanks for creating this driver, Asus should pay you for their incompetencies...everything works great, the bass is really good with this driver and nice to see 24bit/192khz output. The original driver from Asus did not have that option.

      The Xonar application is useless it seems and colours the sound too much. I am experiencing a problem right now tho. I'm running Win7home premium, using SPDIF to DAC works fine when I check off the PCM box in the Xonar App. However, I cannot switch to the analog line level out for the front L/R speakers that's plugged in already. So my setup is this spdif is for hifi listening through my amp. Line level for crappy computer speakers. The line level analog connector does not work. Is that driver issue as well? This even after I disable the spdif connection.

      Any help is much appreciated.


      • CarvedInside30 Oct 2014 @ 20:50

        You've replied to someone else's comment. In your case you should have made a new comment.
        Analog line out not working could mean there is something wrong with your card. Be sure that the computer speakers actually work, try them with onboard audio. You could also try re-installing UNi Xonar drivers or try a different version just in case something went wrong with the installation but this is highly unlikely. If your Xonar card doesn't have warranty anymore you could try to use the Rear jack instead of Front jack for speaker out by configuring the drivers to allow stereo upmix (see FAQ Q&A4).


  2. asdf24 Oct 2014 @ 12:58

    I have a problem with the latest releases. I have windows 7 with TWO ASUS Xonar cards, a PCI essence ST card and a PCIe STX II card (non 7.1). Previously i have been running the UNi Xonar v1.72 & the official STX II drivers. BOTH cards worked fine. Now i am running the UNi Xonar v1.75b rev.2 & UNi Xonar v1.75 drivers. No matter what i do only the old essence ST card works now. The new STX II card doesn't register in control panel or anywhere even with just the rev 2 driver installed. Anything i am doing wrong here?


    • CarvedInside24 Oct 2014 @ 16:23

      Does STX II card show as installed and working in Device Manager? When you say they were working fine are you saying that you had 2 Asus/Cmedia panels one for each card and now you have only one and it's only working for the Xonar ST?


  3. Chris25 Oct 2014 @ 10:36

    I tried to install 1.75b2 on Windows 10 with Test Mode enabled, but says to plug-in my xonar device. I have Essence STX.
    1.75a Works fine.


  4. Dima25 Oct 2014 @ 18:35

    Xonar D1 Windows XP. Driver v1.75a. Asus Control Panel and C-Media panel dont work. Shows message "can't find supported device"


  5. TomP26 Oct 2014 @ 14:33

    I now have my HDAV Slim 1.3 and see there is a "HDAV HDMI enabler v1.0" in the Add-Ons list. Do I need this add-on as well as the 1.75a drivers? and what does it do?


    • CarvedInside26 Oct 2014 @ 19:34

      "HDAV HDMI enabler v1.0" is a standalone application and not a addon. I made it case HDMI options would not show in the Asus Xonar Audio Center for HDAV cards and UNi Xonar drivers. I don't think you'll need it.


  6. BrianB26 Oct 2014 @ 20:18

    The New drivers(the one that requires test mode on older cards) fixed some problems on my Xonar DX(using analog). šŸ˜€


    • BrianB26 Oct 2014 @ 23:38

      Well i should really say what it fixed, it fixed the Upmix problems i've been having in conjuction with K-lite(i dunno how this got fixed by a driver update). And C-media panel now opens the actual window instead of first opening and putting it on the taskbar(which made it real awkward)


  7. aramil199027 Oct 2014 @ 02:46

    Thanks for the new driver. I have a Xonar STX and with the drivers 1.75b in the section info in ASUS control pannel ASIO version results: N/A. With foobar2000 I can use ASIO at 32 bit but if I switch to 64 bit results a error: "Unrecoverable playback error: Could not locate the specified virtual ASIO device" with previus version worked fine, i think there are an issue in the installation.
    PS: sorry for my english


  8. Ernest27 Oct 2014 @ 15:38

    Just a word to thank you for your work! I had several troubles with the official Asus driver and Xonar STX on Win7 64bit and Asus audio center, and the drivers are no more updated for win7. With your driver version, I have no more problem, sound is great and much better than before! Wonderful!
    I have installed UNi Xonar v1.72 for now, since several comments reported issues with 1.75 and 1.75b, but will catch future updates. Thank you!


  9. Garik28 Oct 2014 @ 09:56

    Is it posible to make updated ASIO for old xonar cards(ST and STX)?

    Thank you for making UNi Xonar Drivers!


  10. asdf28 Oct 2014 @ 16:11

    Hi there Carved.
    OK. I just uninstalled all previous drivers. Did a clean fresh "UNi-Xonar-STX-II-11.5-v1.75b-r2" install with normal asus audio centre option, cleaning before install and i picked the xonar essence STX II card from the drop down field. During installation one of my two cards clicks audibly. Hard to say which one really. After installation it says "ASUS Xonar Essence ST Audio device" in the windows 7 (x64) control panel which basically means the STX II 1.75b driver only installs my Essence ST (PCI) card. The STX II (PCIe) doesnt register anywhere. I have the basic ASUS Essence STX II that comes without the 7.1 daughterboard. Previously the STX II had the grey ASUS audio centre icon in tray with the official drivers. And for the essence ST card i had to manually click the blue uni xonar 1.72 icon. For some reason both tray icons and applications could not exist at the same time. Happily providing you with all the info you need. And thanks for the hard work!


  11. asdf28 Oct 2014 @ 16:43

    Update: I have them both running now. The STX II installs fine via device manager driver update, and then navigating manually to the UNI driver folder. At first it will say "device status:
    Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because a previous instance of the device driver is still in memory. (Code 38)" for the essence ST card in device manager. And when i install the "UNi Xonar 1816/1822 v1.75a r2" after that i get them both running. Happy happy joy joy šŸ˜€


    • asdf28 Oct 2014 @ 17:28

      Update 2: It seems like i can only have one Asus Audio Centre installed at a time. So every time i want to use the STX II card i have to reinstall the driver to get the proper audio centre. I love switching between both cards since they have different voiced OpAmps on them.


      • asdf28 Oct 2014 @ 17:32

        Suggestion.... is it possible to make the STX II audio centre a different colour to indicate its the second gen card like asus did with theirs?
        Talking about the tray icon/colour.


      • CarvedInside29 Oct 2014 @ 20:16

        Might want to try this: assuming the last drivers have installed are 1.75a, go to Asus STX II original drivers and search for CustomApp folder. Copy it somewhere else (but don't replace the CustomApp folder in Program Files\UNi Xonar Audio\), then from where you copied it, rename AsusAudioCenter.exe to AsusAudioCenterSTXII.exe. Try launching the AsusAudioCenterSTXII.exe, try it with the AsusAudioCenter.exe from UNi Xonar CustomApp (or the Start->Programs->Uni Xonar shortcut) running and if that does not work then try with AsusAudioCenter.exe closed. This method should at least let you have control over one of the cards without installing the drivers over and over.


  12. Everton31 Oct 2014 @ 21:11



  13. BrianB01 Nov 2014 @ 17:41

    For some reason the STX 2 drivers made my sound not work properly anymore. Bass is really low, and only the left front speaker works properly. wtf is going on? I haven't change a setting or touched the hardware before this happened???

    LE: Okay it was a driver problem. I installed the STX II driver using test mode on my DX. It will give major sound problems after some time. Iā€™d recommend not installing them on a DX


    • CarvedInside03 Nov 2014 @ 18:29

      Thanks for reporting. Lets see if others run into this as well.


      • BrianB03 Nov 2014 @ 18:38

        I don't even know how it technically can happen out of nowhere(because the right front speaker has nothing to do with my subwoofer output).

        But i shouldn't forget some details. A restart didn't work. I'm not really sure how i figured it out, but i wasn't very much paying attention to sound at the time. Was watching a tv show(2 channel stereo sound, using K-lite codec pack) and then i out of nowhere noticed that the sound wasn't centered properly. Checked my speakers out and then i noticed my right front speaker wasn't working properly.

        I started playing some music(using foobar) and then i also noticed bass was very very low. Figured it might have been cabling and everything was alright, reinstalled the "1.72a rev2" driver and it STILL didn't work properly. I then uninstalled fully and then reinstalled 1.72a rev2 with TEST_MODE disabled(since it doesnt need it). and everything was alright.

        Hope you figure out what the problem was with this info.


  14. lemome01 Nov 2014 @ 20:43

    Can we use the STX II driver for the STX ? It's approximately the same card , no ?


    • CarvedInside01 Nov 2014 @ 23:11

      Yes. As it is written in the release notes : "These drivers will work with the previously supported Xonar cards on Win Vista/7/8.1/10 but may require that you enable Windows Test Mode."


  15. Michelle91103 Nov 2014 @ 09:43

    Is there any way to install this driver without ASIO? I have an M-Audio M-Track Quad audio interface that actually gets along nicely with my STX, all except for SONAR which seems to have issues with my Xonar's ASIO driver. It's forcing me to uninstall my Xonar in order to function properly i.e. not BSOD while working in SONAR.


    • CarvedInside03 Nov 2014 @ 18:37

      To unregister Xonar ASIO components run the following commands in Windows Run(Win+R keys) or cmd:
      %WINDIR%\system32\regsvr32.exe /s /u "%WINDIR%\system32\cmasiopx.dll"
      %WINDIR%\syswow64\regsvr32.exe /s /u "%WINDIR%\syswow64\cmasiop.dll"


      • Michelle91104 Nov 2014 @ 23:38

        thank you CarvedInside! I ran the CMD console as an Admin and entered those lines... I'm not sure why but Sonar is reporting the Xonar ASIO driver as still active...


        • CarvedInside05 Nov 2014 @ 00:30

          Have you restarted the PC after unregistered? Try to delete the cmasiopx.dll and cmasiop.dll from the Windows system32 and syswow64 folders and after that restart your PC.



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