

  1. Sakaana31 Oct 2015 @ 21:42

    Just want to say thanks for all your work!
    Drivers work like a charm over here (DX)!

    Cheers from Germany!


    • Zorro08 Nov 2015 @ 21:41

      Are you using the DX in combination with SPDIF? Because I have that kind of setup with my receiver on the other end but reading all the comments below isn't giving me any assurance that it's going to work. I'm still at Windows 7 and will not update to Windows 10 untill I'm sure this works with 5.1 through SPDIF. Can anyone else confirm if my setup will work with these drivers?


  2. BuddChapp01 Nov 2015 @ 02:14

    UNi Xonar 1816/1823 v1.80a r3 brings up a Windows Defender warning for Trojan Win32/Tefau.A!plock


  3. Avenger8001 Nov 2015 @ 19:43

    Tell me, why change the frequency response of the drivers in 1823 , compared with 1822 ( the difference in the test RMAA)? I liked the sound of it to 1822. And now everything sounds too loud . Change Is it later?


    • Avenger8001 Nov 2015 @ 21:12

      I wanted to say that the sound began to dominate more than treble and bass are not as soft and deep.


  4. psychok902 Nov 2015 @ 02:41

    Today, I got a problem.
    When I paused audio playback for a while, and I pushed play... I heard a disturbing noise for 1/2s, like a weird and disturbing "pop".
    Sys: X-Meridian 7.1 on analogical output (rear 2 channels) and Windows 10.
    I was using XonarSwitch.
    Now I installed new drivers 1.80 rev.3 (from 1.80 rev.2) + using c-media panel doesn't happen anymore.
    I'll go deep for check what could be the cause.


  5. type02 Nov 2015 @ 08:44

    I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, please advise.

    Complete failure upon installation with both Asus Windows 10 64bit drivers and UNi Xonar Drivers. Sound never works with either, and the second that I install one of these drivers my HTML5 / Flash videos stop playing in both Chrome / IE. I can be watching a video with sound active and then the second that the driver finishes sound stops (this is normal I was plugged in via Mobo) and Video stops. I can never get another video to play again online. Twitch.tv, Youtube, Pandora all of these will load the 1st frame and then stop. (Some sites may load the first few moments of video then stop. This includes AD's)

    I had my soundcard in a previous computer running Windows 7 for 4 years and never had a problem, I just upgraded to an entire new build that needed Windows 10 because of the Storage device going NVMe on the m.2 drive. I now cannot get my soundcard working and lets just say my onboard sound is terrible with these headphones. Note that I have disabled the onboard sound via BIOS to ensure that there was nothing getting in the way.


    Asus Xoner Essence STX
    Sennheiser PC360
    Windows 10 PRO 64bit

    EVGA Classified X99
    i7 5960X
    EVGA 980ti
    Samsun sm951 NVMe m.2
    64gb DDR4 3000mhz

    Please help me figure out how to get my sound card not only working but also allow my streaming HTML5 / Flash to work again.


    • Tuoni02 Nov 2015 @ 13:39

      Does windows recognize the STX at all?
      In which PCIe slot did you install the STX?


      • type02 Nov 2015 @ 23:40

        PE2, the Second PCIe going down. First slot is my 980ti.

        Windows sees the STX perfectly. I see it in the BIOS, and once drivers are installed I see it in the audio panel and device manager.


    • CarvedInside03 Nov 2015 @ 01:00

      I think it's a motherboard issue. Here is a similar case. You should look at updating the motherboard BIOS.

      Regarding NVMe storage support, I know that it does work in Windows 7 and 8.1. Its just a matter of installing adding the driver to the Win7 install CD or installing Windows 7 on a hdd, installing the NVMe driver and then cloning the OS partition to the SSD. I'm just saying cause you might want to check other Windows OS if there is no BIOS update for your motherboard or the ones currently available do not fix the issue.


  6. Avenger8002 Nov 2015 @ 16:27

    I put the driver in 1823 with the official website of Asus. So interestingly , the sound on it is different from the sound to the driver 1.80a r.3. On it less treble and it sounds almost exactly like the driver 1.75a r.2. Why is this happening? So, what are you to make changes in the sound driver ?


    • CarvedInside03 Nov 2015 @ 16:16

      Please stop posting separate comments that should be posted under a single discussion thread.

      I didn't make any changes to the audio drivers that would affect sound quality. I don't see any reason why original 1823 drivers would sound different from 1.80a UNi Xonar drivers.


  7. Archer02 Nov 2015 @ 20:00

    I just get my asus DSX. It works well with FB2K asio output. but the Sony media go can't detect any asio device. I have tried so many versions of driver(official and unified). It still tells no ASIO device. now I am using v1.80 r3 driver under windows10 64bit. Anyone has some ideas to save me?


  8. Haris04 Nov 2015 @ 05:08

    I noticed that Asus released Beta Version for Windows 10 for STX . Sadly no changelog. Is UNi Xonar v1.80 rev.3 based on the Beta or is forked from previous releases?


    • CarvedInside04 Nov 2015 @ 14:35

      1.80a drivers have the same v.1823 audio drivers as the Asus Xonar STX Beta Version drivers.


  9. Haris04 Nov 2015 @ 05:42

    I'm trying to figure out how to make sure I can get direct connection from JRiver MC to my STX and also reduce latency . I read that on STX , Kernel Streaming in exclusive mode is not a direct connection and we have to use ASIO . I did a clean install on my Uni Xonar and chose Low DPC latency instead of Normal (oddly though DPC Latency is the same as with Xonar panel : 1000ms ). So no panel is loaded but XonarSwitch is an even better loader of settings.
    Because of different HD tracks (different bits and sample rates) , I need to make sure that direct connection is actually working,but I would prefer Kernel Streaming from ASIO, but I'm not sure if Uni Xonar "fixed" this glitch.


    • Haris04 Nov 2015 @ 15:18

      sorry, I meant WASAPI, not Kernel Streaming in the post above


      • qqryq04 Nov 2015 @ 18:35

        In my opinion Kernel Streaming in JRiver (i'm using it too), when it works, is the better than WASAPI. Soundstage is deeper, and there is "more air space" between instruments. Also latency keeps pretty low and stable, even while playing FLAC files. I've made screenshot:
        I use STX too, Uni Xonar drivers installed in Low DPC latency mode, no panel (i just enabled HI-FI mode and turned it off) or Xonar Switch enabled, JRiver player was in Kernel Streaming mode, with DFX plugin enabled. Also Mozilla worked while latency checking , so it could be even lover...


        • Haris05 Nov 2015 @ 19:59

          Thanks for the reply!
          I'm not sure that Kernel Streaming bypasses window's mixer api (I adjust the volume in win mixer while jriver plays and volume is effected) and same thing happens with WASAPI. If it can't bypass the mixer, then it's not really
          So I assume only ASIO provides direct connection with automatic switch of bit and sample rate. I hope I'm wrong though!


  10. Tim04 Nov 2015 @ 09:56

    Does anyone know why I get loud white noise when playing something on youtube randomly? Its killing my ears..


  11. Stratoz05 Nov 2015 @ 16:05

    I have windows 10 Pro installed and UniXonar 1.75a. When trying to install 1.80r3, while the process begins normally and the cleaning of the previous drivers completes, the actual installation window never pops up but instead the process goes directly to a card saying:

    Installation failed

    Compatible driver was found but its installation requires that you press "Install" when asked if you want to install this device hardware.

    Press Finish to exit program.

    What might be the problem?


    • CarvedInside05 Nov 2015 @ 23:56

      What audio card do you have? Which drivers have you tried 1.80a or 1.80b?
      Have you tried installing again after a restart? If not please try that.


      • Stratoz11 Nov 2015 @ 00:45

        Sorry, I forgot to mention that I have a Xonar D1. I tried the latest r3 that you have available for download, I don't know what you mean by a and b, I haven't seen that kind of characterization. Yes I have tried multiple times after restarts but nothing. Actually I loose all my sound and I have to revert back to 1.75a to have sound. Seems very strange, no pop up window poping me to accept the agreement and to install the driver ever comes up, it goes DIRECTLY to the final screen..

        LE: Sorry for the second reply, I just saw it’s the 1.80a (the ones that should).


        • CarvedInside14 Nov 2015 @ 00:46

          Try the "Possible Solution 1" presented in this page.
          The popup window with EULA and progress bar from the audio driver installer does not appear anymore with 1.80 drivers, it runs automatically hidden away. For some reason your system refuses to install these drivers. Hopefully "Possible Solution 1" will help.


  12. Csaba05 Nov 2015 @ 22:53

    I am missing Windows 10 driver for Xonar Xense, hopefully it will work. Window 8 driver working somehow but you cannot change the HP amp as it does not have any effect on the output. 🙁


  13. Dave06 Nov 2015 @ 00:36

    Thanks you for your efforts. Works great on Windows 10. Very much appreciated.


  14. Soluna07 Nov 2015 @ 01:51

    I've used your drivers for a while, and I just wanted to say "thank you for the updates"!


  15. Odradek07 Nov 2015 @ 23:47

    Hi, I bought an Asus Essence STX II 7.1 trying to run under Windows 10. I had problems from the beginning with the drivers. I finally made a clean install and it worked for some time. However, at some point, after installing other programs (such as scanner drivers and antivirus), sooner or later the message came back "can't find any device". I rolled back the system to earlier restore points to no avail. I then uninstalled the drivers and installed UNi Xonar 1823 v1.80a r3 using the "disable driver signature enforcement". The drivers successfully were installed, sound works as before but as with the Asus software I can't run the Xonar Audio Center and therefore can't switch to my headphones. Each time I try to open it I am getting the message "Can't find any device."
    When I open the properties of the card in the Device manager, everything looks normal beside the following message under "Events": Device PCI\VEN_13F6&DEV_8788&SUBSYS_85F41043&REV_00\5&21d0872b&0&2000E0 requires further installation. I don't know what this means. Any ideas what to do?


    • CarvedInside09 Nov 2015 @ 15:39

      When you first got the "can’t find any device" error, did the sound playback still worked?

      For the current situation you could try the following:
      1) Download this file. It contains the Asus Audio Center from STXII drivers. I don't know for sure if this will work with 1.80a drivers.
      2) Try installing the 1.80a drivers with "Low DPC Latency" or "C-media Panel" configuration and use C-Media Panel to change the settings.
      3) Download and use XonarSwitch to change settings.
      I'm interested which one of these will work.

      I don't know about the entry under "Events". It might not be anything.


      • Odradek09 Nov 2015 @ 22:54

        Thanks for the answer. Very much appreciated. Yes, the sound playback still worked. I followed your suggestions and installed the 1.80a drivers with “Low DPC Latency”. I still had to disable the driver signature enforcement. I then could use C-Media Panel which works fine. However, neither the Asus nor the Xonar Audio Center would work. If I try to use them I am getting in both cases the old message “can’t find any device”. At least I have a workaround and the Audio centers are not loaded on startup. As I said, the sound card works perfectly. It's actually terrific. Annoying is only the fact that there are still no certified windows 10 drivers. I guess that this would solve the problem. Do you have more suggestions how to make the Xonar Audio Center work?



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