

  1. Markcop27 Jan 2017 @ 03:00

    Hi! It's normal that with the last version of the driver (v1.81 for Win 10) and a Asus Xonar DGX there's no more a GX button in the Xonar DGX Audio Center?
    Thanks for your help! xD


    • CarvedInside27 Jan 2017 @ 12:34

      Yeah, I can confirm it's missing. It has to do with these new 1825 audio drivers. There might be ways to enable GX but I think C-Media probably disable it for a reason. If you really really want to turn GX on, I will try to help you enable it.


      • Markcop27 Jan 2017 @ 16:21

        Np man. It's just curiosity! i don't really need it and i can wait for a new release! Thanks for your time and your help!


  2. tomorrowneverknows27 Jan 2017 @ 06:49

    XonarSwitch works fine with STX II on v1.81a drivers.


  3. bigcid1027 Jan 2017 @ 14:23

    v1.81a r2 uni drivers work fine with my stx II 7.1
    asus control panel just doesn't start up with OS
    is there a command to add it ?
    Thank you


    • CarvedInside27 Jan 2017 @ 15:07

      By any chance did you install the drivers with "Low DPC latency" configuration?

      To add Asus Audio Center to startup, look at this guide and add to startup folder the Asus Audio Center shortcut.


      • bigcid1027 Jan 2017 @ 16:02

        no,just the normal asus option. If I set the low latancy option ,will it also install the asus control panel?
        I really wanted it to start in the taskbar by the clock.


        • CarvedInside27 Jan 2017 @ 16:40

          Do you have the Asus Audio Center in Start->All Programs->UNi Xonar Audio or C:\Program Files\UNi Xonar Audio\Customapp\AsusAudioCenter.exe? Because if you have that, you can add it to startup following the guide linked in my previous comment.

          With Low DPC Latency configuration you have access to Asus Audio Center but it does not autostart with Windows.


  4. Marc Y.27 Jan 2017 @ 16:39

    Hi, installer for 1.81a r2 won't start, just freezes explorer when I try to open it πŸ™ Running win10 build 14986


    • CarvedInside27 Jan 2017 @ 16:59

      Hi. Maybe it's blocked by your security software. Try disabling it and see if it works. If you are familiar with Windows Event Log, you could check those System and Software logs if they mention anything about what happens.
      If you aren't successful, you could install first the 1.80a drivers and install the 1825 audio driver only from v1.81. You can find the v1.81a driver only and method here. After you've installed 1.81 driver only,when uninstalling you will need to follow the 1.81 uninstall procedure that's described in the release notes.


      • Marc Y.27 Jan 2017 @ 18:54

        Thanks for the reply, I added an exclusion in Windows Defender but that didn't work. Checking event viewer, I found an error that seems to be an issue with Windows Smart Screen, aka the UAC prompt when you go to launch a new file... I just figured it out. Had to unblock the installer through Right-click properties. It works now. Thanks πŸ™‚


  5. Nick27 Jan 2017 @ 17:27

    I installed v1.81a rev.2 (low DPC version) and it works fine on a Xonar D1, Windows 10 64-bit. Watched some youtube videos, played some games with Dolby Headphone (using Xonar Switch for configuration,) everything works.


  6. kean3D29 Jan 2017 @ 21:47

    finally new drivers!! thanks
    Asus told me something like 6 months ago
    better late than ever!
    did Asio are updated too to the .14 for the stx?


  7. Jiri31 Jan 2017 @ 14:53

    Hi, i have just bought ASUS Xonar DG and i'm running it on windows 10 64bit. I have installed your latest drivers (original drivers don't work) and i'm unable to switch the sound card to use 6 channel output. I have 5.1 speakers and only stereo 2.0 signal is coming thru. Can you please give me some advice how to turn on other channels? If i'm trying to play test sound, only left front and right font is playing.


    • CarvedInside04 Feb 2017 @ 22:59

      Hi. Are you using analog or S/PDIF output? In case you used analog output, have you set the Audio Channel to 6 and Analog Out to 5.1 in the audio panel you are using? Have you tested the speakers within Windows Speaker Setup? Was your card properly detected by the UNi Xonar installer?


  8. AlphaOmega31 Jan 2017 @ 20:09

    Hi Carved, where'd you get these drivers from? Are these an official release from C-Media? I checked on their website for the C-Media 8788 chipset (Essence ST in my case) but couldn't find anything related to it. They states that for W10 you have to check on the vendors official website for drivers of your card. Thanks anyway, they're working great.


  9. Chris Leipold02 Feb 2017 @ 00:10

    Thanks for the new driver package! So far working well under latest Win10 x64 (v1825).


  10. Mikulas02 Feb 2017 @ 14:10

    Hi, I could really use some help.

    I just bought a Xonar DGX, and after installing it in my PC I installed your lastest drivers. Once this was done I still had no sound in windows via the card or SPDIF, so I went into the settings and noticed the ''audio channels'' section is empty. If I select any option in this section the drivers crash. This is the same across official drivers and the last 3 of your releases; I've tried installing almost every driver I could find to solve this :/

    Maybe I have a DOA card?

    Win 10 anniversary.


  11. Nond90403 Feb 2017 @ 17:59

    I just bought an Asus Xonar DGX. I had the official drivers installed and I was able to test my speakers and hear a positive test. I uninstalled those, downloaded the latest UNI and installed those, now my center and sub test gives me no sounds in the Windows test. Through C-Media control panel I can't test any speakers and get sound of it. I'm running the latest version of windows 10 pro x64.


    • CarvedInside04 Feb 2017 @ 22:51

      The speakers are connected through analog or S/PDIF connection? Make sure the connectors are properly plugged. Try uninstalling and installing the v1.81a drivers again. If that does not work try with v1.80a drivers and v1.75a. Let me know of the results.


  12. Khris03 Feb 2017 @ 23:52

    On the latest UNi Xonar W10 1825 v1.81a r2, running the built in driver cleaner wiped my equalizer settings/profiles, so it took me a while to fine tune everything again.

    Please address this in your next iteration of your Uni Xonar Driver. Thanks.


    • ben04 Feb 2017 @ 03:24

      driver cleaner what does it mean? ofc it will erase all past settings to prevent further problems...


      • CarvedInside04 Feb 2017 @ 21:21

        Thanks for the comment. I took the liberty to edit your comment so it does not sound harsh. This might be a valid suggestion/complaint especially since I've replaced the standard driver uninstaller with UNi Xonar Driver cleaner in v1.81 which forces the cleaning of equalizer profiles with no option to bypass.


    • bigcid1004 Feb 2017 @ 17:31

      hence the words "driver cleaner"


    • CarvedInside04 Feb 2017 @ 21:51

      You've created the eq profiles with C-Media Panel or with ASUS Audio Center? My intention for driver cleaner wasn't to delete the equalizer profiles but some other settings that where stored in that configuration file. I am not sure atm, but I think the standard uninstall process would have deleted them as well. I will see if I can come up with a solution to save the equalizer settings from deletion. If not, I will update the FAQ with an entry on how to save the profiles yourself.


  13. Jimpanse04 Feb 2017 @ 16:18

    Am i stupid AF? Or why canΒ΄t i find a "download"-button!
    I just wanna download the new driver. πŸ™‚


  14. Kos05 Feb 2017 @ 05:24

    If I install drivers only is the sampling rate set to the Windows speaker properties advanced Default Format? Or is it still set by some software like C-Media Panel and ASUS Audio Center? So if I were to purely install the drivers through Device Manager, can I change the sampling rate for the soundcard?


    • Nick05 Feb 2017 @ 16:19

      You can use XonarSwitch to change the sampling rate.


    • CarvedInside05 Feb 2017 @ 16:54

      If you install the drivers only, your sample rate will be set to 96Khz and it can be control only by C-Media Panel, Asus Audio Center, XonarSwitch or editing the registry. I don't know why would you want to install only the audio drivers. There are multiple settings that are applied only when installing the full driver package.


  15. Nynex05 Feb 2017 @ 06:40

    I started getting huge fps drops in Overwatch after installing UNi Xonar W10 1825 v1.81a r2. I am going to remove them and reinstall the drivers from ASUS website (Xonar DX). Possibly a premature complaint and not related to drivers, but I'll post back after a few hours of testing without them.


    • CarvedInside05 Feb 2017 @ 16:59

      If it's working alright with the Asus drivers, you should again try with v1.81a. If you still notice performance problems with v1.81a, you should try with previous UNi Xonar driver versions. Let us know of any developments.


      • Nynex06 Feb 2017 @ 09:31

        I reinstalled the 1.81a r2 again seems to be working great! Not sure what could have caused the problem originally. Been playing Overwatch all day without any fps drops.


        • CarvedInside07 Feb 2017 @ 01:10

          Maybe it was a scheduled antivirus scan, disk defragmentation or Windows downloading updates.



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