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It would be cool if you could provide checksums of the .exe somewhere externally from your website. I see that you are using WordPress, which is easily hacked (due to certain plugins). Or maybe use GPG to sign the files.
Thank you for the suggestions.
where is the download button
Downloads are at the bottom of the post. You can press Ctrl+F and type Driver Downloads.
While I never had this issue myself so far, in this review: it is said that the 6 khz issue caused by the audio stack has been resolved by C-Media in the 1825 driver.
Is this something confirmed or just a speculation?
Hello. According to this report it's still happening with 1825 driver.
CARVEDINSIDE i need your help man Front Microphone is creating distortion after Creator update for my ASUS XONAR ESSENCE STX HELP NEEDED when enabling microphone boost
Please do not post the same problem multiple times.
You could try to uninstall the Xonar drivers and install them again. If that does not work, you could connect the microphone to the onboard audio card. If it still has the same problems then probably there is something wrong with the microphone.
Hello guys,
I own the Asus Essence STX II 7.1 and I can not use headphones. The headphone jackets (front and back) panel are not recognized by Windows 10 Creators Update. Like in the FAQ told I deactivated AMD HDMI Audio, else I could not get 5.1 through SPDIF. When I tick Headphones in Xonair Audio or C-Panel nothing happens. I was using 1.81a, tried the ASUS driver, but there are the same issues with headphones.
Hello. Did it work before upgrading to Creators Update? When you go to Windows Volume -> Playback devices, is Speakers (Asus Xonar STXII) set as default playback device?
Good Evening CarvedInside. Unfortunately I can not tell you if it worked before Creators Update because I have an new Ryzen build and sold my old one. I directly installed Windows 10 Creators Update. I use again the STX II because my Mainbard ASRock x370 Professional Gaming can not send 5.1 through SPDIF (300€....). My old build with FX 8320 could send 5.1 through SPDIF with the Realtek chip so I did not use my STXII.
Under Windows Volume Asus Speakers are default.
Also something changed here also: I first installed 1.81a and I needed to set SPDIF as default to get my sound to my receiver. After installing Asus drivers, than deinstalling it and again installing Uni driver I have to set the speakers as default to get sound.
Hello CarvedInside,
i tested it today with my old installtion (Windows 10 1603). There is also Headphones not working. I tried it with 1.81a and 1.80a r3. Internal Sound card and AMD HDMI sound were deactivated.
You should check that the headphones are working with the onboard card. You should try with UNi Xonar v1.80b driver.
Since you had the STXII card, did the headphone connection ever worked? I'm thinking that maybe the cards analog outputs are defective. Besides checking the headphones and with v1.80b drivers, you could check the card in a Win7 system. That should tell you for sure if your card has a problem.
Hello CarvedInside,
yes the headphones are working with onboard card (DT-990). I also got suspiciuous that the sound card is defective. I will try it on Windows 7, I have to install it first again. I will report the results then.
Hello CarvedInside,
I tested it with Windows 7. Thank your for your hint, my card is unfortunately defective. I contaced ASUS RMA but my warranty run out last month so I have no chance to exchange. Do you also have any hint how I can repair it?
You should check that all the op-amps are properly seated and have been rightfully placed (see STXII manual page 11). If you have the 7.1 addon card, you should check those outputs see if they work.
If the advices above do not work, the only other option would be to go with the card or send it to an electronics repair center for resoldering the components or reflowing the whole board.
Hello CardvedInside,
thank you so much for your hints. Today I got time to change the op-amps and everything works now again. Seems that the op-amps were defective.
You're welcome. I am glad to hear that it now works.
Hi guys,recently I found a new problem
I'm using the Asus Xonar DGX with UniXonar 1825
When using Skype for Windows 10,or other modern apps,the microphone will not be working
no matter you change the setting or not.
Does it the driver issues or Windows Issues??
I have try reinstall,but no luck
Hi. Which Windows build version do you have?
The Insider Update
Windows 1703 Build 16199
I checked on Windows 10 v.1703 Build 15063.296(release channel) and microphone work fine in Skype Modern App, but on Voice Recorder app it's volume low. Since you are on the Insider branch, your microphone issues might be from a yet another newly introduced bug.
You could try to set another device as default in Windows Volume->Recording devices and then set it back to ASUS Xonar DGX microphone. Another thing you could try is to untick "Allow applications to take exclusive control..." from Microphone Proprieties -> Advanced.
If you really need the microphone in Skype App or some other app and there isn't a solution in sight, you could connect the microphone to the onboard card and if it works use it that way.
I have a problem with this. But I did not find the solution. Xonar D2X
Hi all,
Anyone know how to change the default language to English? I am using Win 10 pro in Denmark with OS in English, but regional settings for Denmark. Using version UNi-Xonar-W10-1825-v1.81a-r2 on a asus essence stx ii 7.1. Also are there any other programs (software) with this sound card?
Thanks in advance,
Hi. In which application do you wish to change the language (Asus Audio Center, C-Media Panel, UNi Xonar installer)?
I don't understand exactly what you are asking in the second question. You can find additional software for you card listed at the end of the post above, after the UNi Xonar download links.
Hi, thanks for the quick reply. I would like to change the language from Danish to English in all of the applications if possible. Normal the is some sort of option to to choose the default language but I cannot seem to find it.
Thanks again,
Hi. Instructions for overwriting language with English for Asus Audio Center: 1) Download this archive 2) Exit Asus Audio 3)Extract archive contents somewhere. 4) Copy extracted files and replace those from "C:\Program Files\UNi Xonar Audio\Customapp".
You don't specifically mention C-media Panel having the same language problem. If it has the same problem you should let me know so I could look into it.
Wow! Thanks. Yes all the programs have defaulted to Danish.
Hi. I've modified the C-Media Panel to force use the English language. This is for .a drivers only. Instructions: 1) Download this archive 2) Exit C-media Panel 3)Extract archive contents somewhere. 4) Copy CmiCnfgP.dll from the extracted files and replace the one that is in C:\Windows\SysWOW64. If you have a x86 Windows then you need to replace the file that is in C:\Windows\System32\.
Let me know if it works properly.
Greetings. I had been experiencing system lockups and BSOD (win7 64bit) playing 'Styx - Master of Shadows' on Steam. I narrowed it down to the cmudaxp.sys with the usual 'Driver Irq Not Equal' message. I noticed the official drivers from Asus were from 2013. Can't believe they havent updated them since then but glad these unofficial ones are still being worked on. Sadly though this issue is still happening. Leave the room for a few mins. Come back and greeted to another BSOD :/
I have tried removing the drivers from windows7 and even tried reinstalling the original disc drivers because one forum said it does work. Well it didnt for me. I also have issues with windows 7 reinstalling the drivers again after rebooting. I did find a webpage what gave a guide to stop this, but again it didnt work. Hope you could suggest something please. I may be forced to use onboard sound if this carries on.
Which audio card do you have?
Regarding BSOD, some things you could try: 1) Install the UNi Xonar drivers with Low DPC latency configuration. 2) Try with v1.80b drivers. 3) When installing the drivers select "Run driver cleaning before install".
About the second problem, with driver installation, you would have to be more specific. What is the problem (drivers do not install, drivers only work until restart), which drivers are you installing, which guide?
Can you add somehow to Xonar DG microphone boost slider?
Right now I can just select "microphone boost" but that is not enough. That is disappointing ;\
In my integrated audio driver I can boost to +30db.
Until now I could not find any way to increase the microphone boost.
You can use the microphone connected to your onboard audio card and still use your Xonar as output.
If you are still interested, I found a way to increase microphone volume by 3 dB. You can check this tweak here.
Thanks for writing these things, seems like a good idea.
Having successfully installed, as far as I can tell, the package, by following the various recommendations (on W7x64SP1 all updates), even though sound comes out of my headphone, the interface does not run. AsusAudioCenter.exe starts and immediately quits (known by watching ‘Process Explorer’), no window ever appears. (AVG and all such disabled)
Any suggestions?
Which audio card do you have and which driver have you installed?
Essence STX II. The installer auto-selects Essence STX II so I accept it. I opened the drop-down to see what’s there. I keep the radio button at the top active, ASUS interface. I installed to an image that never saw drivers for this card before. On-board sound is disabled in BIOS. Driver enforcement turned off during boot. Motherboard is ASUS Z-97 Pro (Wi-Fi ac). Video is Quadro M4000. Actually the sound comes from some self powered speakers connected to the RCA jacks, not the phones, and there will be no change to that.
I used the 1.80a installer.
I think your driver sounds better than the one from the ASUS site. What did you do? Obviously I’m just hearing the default state.
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Now getting to the problem with Asus Audio Center. Have you read and did what it says in the 1.80a release notes: "STXII: Asus Audio Center does not work. You need to download this patched version and copy paste it over “C:\Program Files\UNi Xonar Audio\Customapp\”"?
Bingo. Thanks!
Glad to hear it worked. Thank you for your donation.
Wow. I was thinking I might return the card, it was so harsh in 1 to 6K range. Perversely so. Thanks again.
Differences in sound quality could be because the v1.80a drivers have a different audio driver(1823) than STX II original drivers and UNi Xonar v1.80b(STXII 11.5) or it could be a result of the changes I made to fix something else. If someday you have time to try v1.80b drivers then will know which of those is responsible for differences in sound quality.
Hey, dumb question but I'll ask it anyway, i'm using Astro A40's with Xonar D2 at the moment, which one of these drivers is it that I should download? I take it it's the UNi Xonar STXII 11.5 v1.80b r3, just want to double check with you. Been having some trouble with the 7.1 setting, The Rear left and rear right kinda sounds the same as the normal left/right ones, very hard to differentiate between them, anyway thanks alot for all the effort you put into this.
Hi. Can't recommend a driver version. You should try a couple of them and see which one works best for you especially since you have this issue with "7.1 setting".
Did you connect the headphones to the Xonar card through analog jacks or digital output? What is the "7.1 setting" that you are referring to?
I'm using the latest version for win 10. I have a Xonar DSX.
For some reason I have the same sound coming out from both my front and rear speakers without any differentiation. It's like having 4 front speakers.
It's set to 5.1 on windows and the Audio Centre.
Pls advise.
Hi. Are using the analog or digital output? In Audio Center, have you set both 5.1 speakers and 6 channels? Does the speaker test work properly? In which situation you are getting this behavior (playing stereo music, watching a movie, in games)? Since when you have the Xonar DSX, did you always had this behavior?
I'm using analog. Have yet to test it for digital to my receiver. I have that setting in audio center plus 5.1 in windows. The speaker test works fine except for the rear speakers. The front and rear plays at the same time. This happens for games, movies even youtube. The only time it works is when i play a DD or DTS sound clip.
I just bought the DSX. Used to have the DG on win 7 which took alot of troubleshooting to get working right.
To me it sounds like a case of stereo upmix, but that would only happen if you haven't set Audio Channel to 6 channels. Try installing the drivers without "Re-enable stereo upmix" option in the UNi Xonar installer. Try different driver versions.
If none of these work, try your card in another PC, preferably one with Windows 7 and see if you still get the same behavior. Might be that your card has a hardware defect.
The release notes for 1.80 say there is a DPI scaling device in the installer. I use a 5K monitor and the interface is perfect for amoeba, but for me, not so much. How can I activate the scale compensation feature? There is nothing in the selection panel at the begin of the install.
I'm using the top radio, ASUS interface, in the 1.80a installer. If it's a registry hack, I'm OK with that too.
Maybe what I said is misunderstood, what I was saying is that the UNi Xonar installer is DPI aware, it's just the installer, it does not affect the Asus Audio Center. Prior to v1.80 the installer items would overlap on higher Windows DPI settings.
If your problem is in fact with ASUS Audio Center not scaling with higher Windows DPI settings then that's a different matter. As far as I know there isn't anything that can be done about it, but you can use XonarSwitch or maybe C-media Panel (I'm not sure if this one works correctly) instead.
Great job ty for your work. I have asus xonar d1 should I use "UNi Xonar 1816/1823 v1.80a r3" or "UNi Xonar STXII 11.5 v1.80b r3" which one you recommend for this card.
ATM I don't have a recommendation. Try either one and if you run into issues then try the other.
Hi, I've recently started using UNi drivers (UNi Xonar W10 1825 v1.81a r2). I have Xonar ST and Windows 10 (1703). I usually listen music using foobar2000 (1.3.15) with ASIO support. I've installed UNi (Low DPC) because of constant skype error during shutdown, but turns out I can not watch any videos, be they youtube videos or files in windows, while listening music using ASIO. Videos simply play like at 1 fps. When i switch to primary sound driver in foobar2000, everything becomes fine, but when using ASIO, can't watch any video, which is sad, because I watched them perfectly fine, while listening music in ASIO using official drivers. Is there any workaround? If not, can you, please, fix this in future releases? Thanks.
Hi. The issue is probably related to 1825 audio drivers that are included in the UNi Xonar 1.81a release, if that's the case I can't do much about it. Try previous drivers like v1.80a or v1.80b. If you still have the issue then try the UNi Xonar drivers that have the same audio driver as the original Asus drivers you where using (1825 represents the audio driver version in UNi Xonar v1.81a). If you still get the issue, try the original drivers again and see if they still work properly.
Hi, I've installed "UNi-Xonar-1823-v1.80a-r3" and it fixed my issue, thank you.
I'm glad to hear it worked.