

  1. apos9111 Mar 2018 @ 23:28

    I don't seem to have any issues with the latest official drivers and i had installed all the latest updates ! I didn;t check the sleep bsod though ! i don;t put my computer to sleep.


    • CarvedInside14 Mar 2018 @ 18:07

      Was this a reply to some previous comment or a general FYI comment? Which driver version is that?


      • apos9115 Mar 2018 @ 01:18

        I am using Win 10 Pro with the latest updates . It's the 1823 Version . Btw i Didn't Tried any other Drivers or Uni drivers as i had problems when FCU came out and before the KB4074588 update.


  2. Kev Cor15 Mar 2018 @ 20:23

    First of all, thank you for your work
    I have Windows 7, a Xonar Essence ST and driver 1.80a r3.
    I would like to enable sound through the optical output and the headphone's rear output at the same time.
    I have looked thoughout the web but I could not find any answer. Could you help me please ?


    • CarvedInside17 Mar 2018 @ 03:03

      Hello. I don't know what can be done and if it's even possible.
      Your S/PDIF output is PCM or Dolby Digital Live? If it's PCM, I am curios if the sound works when using RCA Front outputs instead of the headphone out?
      For non ST/STX cards, having S/PDIF output set as PCM worked along with analog speakers output, but not as DDL.


  3. Rusen16 Mar 2018 @ 15:57


    Windows 10 1709
    Xonar DX with latest Unixonar Drivers with C-Panel (GX)
    Logitech Z5500 - Connected with optical cable
    S/PDIF Output is set to Dolby Digital Live

    With this configuration, I can't get Dolby Digital Live activated. Yesterday I have tried everything to get DDL 5.1 sound, somehow I managed once after reinstalling the the drivers. It worked with Half-Life 2: Episode 2 perfectly. But I don't know why, even if I config the output as DDL, it just provides me stereo PCM sound again. This happened with original Asus panel too.

    What can I do for this situation? I just want to make this sound card use Dolby Digital Live without a word. But it keeps reverting back to PCM...


    • CarvedInside17 Mar 2018 @ 02:34

      Hello. Which drivers have you installed? Have you tried other driver versions? I suggest you do that and see if any of them work.
      Is your Windows up to date with the latest updates?
      There is the possibility that this is another issue with Windows 10 1709 version, in which case maybe report it to Microsoft. If it's possible try the latest Windows 10 Insider Preview to check if it isn't already fixed.


      • Rusen23 Mar 2018 @ 14:17

        Well... As a high level computer user this is not my proudest moment. I did alot of research about this situation and could not find a solution; had to ask you. And now, I found the solution with pure luck. I am sharing my full experience so other users can see.

        DD Live automaticly switches on when I change my output to Analog on Windows Audio Devices settings. This provides me 5.1 sound through OPTICAL CABLE that I wanted. Make sure Dolby Digital Live activated on the panel.

        When I switch to Digital Output, I can get PCM and DTS sound outputs. This is the best quality output, but PCM is just stereo.

        So now, whenever I want to play music or watch movie, I use Digital Output. If I want to get real 5.1 sound for gaming, I switch to Analog - DDL. Make sure all of the sound related applications closed when you are switching. Or else, everything can mess up.

        Left clicking Windows sound icon on notification bar makes it easy to switch between outputs.

        Thank you CarvedInside!


  4. Chris16 Mar 2018 @ 22:46

    Win7 64-bit
    Xonar DSX
    5.1 samsung surround connected to sound card connected via S/PDIF.
    I downloaded the driver and I'm still getting sound only from my left and right speakers no sound from the center and the two rear speakers. I tested it on call of duty W@W (2008) I cant hear the zombies tearing down the planks when I have my back turned towards the entry point.


    • CarvedInside17 Mar 2018 @ 02:25

      You need to set the S/PDIF Output to "DTS Interactive" in the audio panel, this allow the card to send 5.1 sound signal over S/PDIF. Your sound system need to support DTS Interactive decoding for this to work.


  5. daniko18 Mar 2018 @ 13:19

    I have a Xonar DS with spdif out and logitech speakers, when movie playback after 30-40 minutes sound have some delay (from start its ok ) , my driver is UNi Xonar 1816/1822 v1.75a r3 on Windows 10 build 1703, kodi with direct sound audio settings, Windows setting is 16 bit 48khz ,why sound not work permanently ok ? Sorry for my english.


    • CarvedInside18 Mar 2018 @ 23:34

      Your problem could be from high DPC latency. Check your system's DPC latency with LatencyMon during idle and video playback. If LatencyMon reports that your system has problems with realtime playback or such check which drivers are responsible for the high DPC latency. For UNi Xonar drivers I recommend that you install them with Low DPC Latency or C-Media Panel configuration and not use Asus Audio Center, to ensure you get the lowest DPC latency. Additionally you can check The Case of DPC Latency: 4. Tips & tweaks for reducing DPC latency.


  6. Eric18 Mar 2018 @ 19:18


    What is the safest or most stable driver for a Xonar Essence STX running Windows 10 (1709 version) ?



    • CarvedInside18 Mar 2018 @ 23:27

      Hello. v1.71 might be. It's hard to say with certainty as it depends on your use case and if your configuration would be prone to the "BSOD after system wakeup from sleep" issue.


  7. DS19 Mar 2018 @ 05:27

    Just reporting another case where driver v1.71-r2 resolved the BSOD after sleep issue. PC = Win10 x64 1709 with Xonar DX card. Version v1.80a r3 ran OK until about Feb. 2018, so something MS "updated" around then probably caused the BSOD/sleep problem. Tried v1.81a r2 but problem persisted. Thanks to suggestions above and by other users, installed v1.71-r2 three weeks ago and no BSODs since. Thanks for keeping these cards alive with your drivers


    • CarvedInside19 Mar 2018 @ 23:05

      Thank you for reporting this. I'm glad to hear that it worked. In February there was an update KB4074588 to fix some previously introduced sound issues, maybe that update broke things for you.

      I duplicated your comment under the original report so that it's there too.


  8. Tiago21 Mar 2018 @ 11:33

    I recently installed Windows 10 Home 64x with all the updates installed until that date 03/21/2018, and I'm trying to sound problem, where I'm without bass and voices like I'm listening to a studio sound, I already tested all the drivers, v1. 81, v1.80, v1.75, v1.71, and the problem persists in all versions, my sound card is an Asus Xonar DG.
    Is there a solution? I think I'll have to go back to Windows 10 LBST =(


    • Darko22 Mar 2018 @ 09:10

      I have DSX and have absolutely no problems on W10 1709 b16299.309 64bit with UNIXONAR or ASUS Official drivers , try ASUS drivers .


  9. Vlady22 Mar 2018 @ 17:25

    Hi, there,

    I have the following problem I've installed my new Windows 10 pro on MB Asrock J3455M with integrated Intel CPU + graphics. I installed the ASUS XONAR HDAV 1.3 Deluxe sound card with latest UNi Xonar W10 1825 v1.81a r2 driver but I can not ouput any video from Xonar board. I've restarted the PC a lot of time with no result. I've just get it only when I first turned on an additional LCD monitor (not TV) I was able to power on the monitor through Xonar HDAV, my other attempts were unsuccessful. I'm asking for help. Previously, I used the Windows 7 Ultimate card with no issues only when I go to SLEEP mode sometime I can't power on the monitor again. Any ideas what's the problem with my Xonar board. Thank you.


  10. john22 Mar 2018 @ 21:11

    What's the point of having the LINE IN lever slider in Xonar audio center settings available and moving when it's not working, the input record level is always the same (Xonar Essence STX II)? I want to record something off my MC and LP collection but the final clipping or not clipping is left to the mercy of the output strenght of the original vinyl or tape source. Is there ANY way to make the LINE in slider actually work?


    • CarvedInside23 Mar 2018 @ 23:56

      Try setting it in Windows Sound (right click Windows Volume -> Recording Devices) and see if it works. If it doesn't, check to see if it works for the onboard audio card Line In.
      Tell us your Windows version and build number. Which drivers have you tried?


      • john24 Mar 2018 @ 01:35

        It doesnt work anywhere tried it all. And have found the info on the official vip Asus forum on many topics in last 10 years considering the STX cards that it doesnt work and they dont care about it, cause obviously they never repaired it. They make a 200€ sound card and include the LINE IN just as an after thought, what a bunch of crap. Yes, it always works on onboard audio but I have it disabled in BIOS and dont care about it anymore. The whole point of buying the STX II was to use ASIO and never hassle with the Windows sound again. I am sorry I have not read thevox populi BEFORE I had bought it.

        Im using WIN 7 64bit SP1 and using latest signed STX II driver.


        • CarvedInside25 Mar 2018 @ 22:16

          Up until now I wasn't aware there was a issue with Line In volume on the STX/STX II cards. Could you like some of those threads, I could not find them.
          You may want to check the 1.80a drivers and see if you still have the issue.


          • john27 Mar 2018 @ 16:00

            There are dozens just type in if you want, Xonar line in not working/problems etc. The point is this from one thread somewhere:

            "Are you using ASIO for recording?
            If that's the case, the volume is fixed in the newest driver and you can't adjust it."

            And that's it, obviously on any Asus card. Meh... thanks Carve will try it but doubt it works, nothing works. Sadly the card is crap this way and totally useless to me.


            • CarvedInside29 Mar 2018 @ 00:47

              You should have mentioned that you were using ASIO interface for recording. That totally changes your question. This is the way ASIO v2 works, its volume can't be controlled by the driver or Windows Sound Mixer, only by the application or playback device.


              • john29 Mar 2018 @ 15:25

                I'm selling it for 100€ now if anyone wants it, that's half the price, just to get rid of the crap. Like new, hardly used. I mean it's a great card for listening if that's all you care for, never heard a more crystal clear sound coming out of a pc.


  11. Moleculor23 Mar 2018 @ 03:00

    So I've been having issues getting Windows Sonic for Headphones working with my Xonar DG in Windows 10. Got the new FINAL FANTASY XV: WINDOWS EDITION game that's supposed to utilize this or Dolby Atmos and... audio in cutscenes were playing in 7.1, being forced into two channels, but NOT downmixing to two, so I was flat out *not hearing* six channels, including the center channel.

    This meant that all center audio, such as most dialog, was quiet or inaudible.

    I tried both the ASUS drivers and UNi 'Normal' ones, and nothing I tried worked. Not even enabling Hi-Fi worked.

    Eventually I discovered that if I installed Equalizer APO, it revealed a 'Enable audio enhancements' box in my Xonar DG's device properties. If I *disabled* that, and thereby disabled the Equalizer APO that I had just installed, suddenly Windows Sonic for Headphones worked great, not just in FFXV, but in all my games and everything else.

    I suspect this is either a flaw in Microsoft's implementation, or a flaw in the Xonar drivers interpreting Windows's downmixing of sound to two channels as just 'two channel audio' and thus blocking all other data. Somehow. I don't know, I'm not an expert, I just kept working until I found a workaround.

    I've heard others claim that the 'audio enhancements' thing is available to be disabled on other people's sound cards WITHOUT Equalizer APO, so I don't know if it's something that, if enabled in the drivers, could work on its own, or if it's something that Equalizer APO is also doing, but I thought I'd mention it in here.


    • Case23 Mar 2018 @ 07:11

      Both Windows Sonic and Dolby Atmos that are available for headphone virtualization in Windows force the system speaker settings to plain stereo for some unfathomable reason when you enable them, effectively crippling the surround processing in the process. If you try to change the speaker settings back to 5.1/7.1 after you've enabled Sonic/Atmos, it disables them again. It's completely useless.

      As for enabling/disabling Sonic/Atmos, there should be a "Spatial Sound" tab in your playback device properties. The "enable audio enhancements" setting on the other tab should not be directly related to that.


      • Moleculor28 Mar 2018 @ 01:07

        Regardless of what should or should not be happening, the process I followed made everything work.

        Windows didn't default to Stereo, and Enable Audio Enhancements got the equalizer out of the way to let Windows do its job. The spatial audio in game is better than Dolby Headphone.


        • Case28 Mar 2018 @ 06:56

          Windows Sonic only uses two channels to get the spatial information to create its virtual surround output, compared to 7 channels with Dolby Headphone. So I really wouldn't say it's better. But I guess you like it better for some reason, and that's obviously a subjective thing, so...enjoy.


          • Zsolt28 Mar 2018 @ 16:12

            It seems more like to me that it can dynamically render sounds in an arbitrary position in a 3d space: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/mt807491(v=vs.85).aspx
            Which is superior to multi-channel virtualization.


            • Case28 Mar 2018 @ 18:31

              It's all very confusing what exactly MS are trying to do here, but yes, in theory, it seems like it has a lot more potential. The problem here is, though, that for this to work, the app would have to directly support the Windows Sonic technology, which I think no app/game does at the moment (Final Fantasy XV has some mentions of Windows Sonic, but I'm not sure if it's actually truly supporting it), so you're sadly stuck with the virtual surround portion of Windows Sonic. And although the documentation claims that it "allows all existing applications that were capable of rendering to 5.1 or 7.1 channel formats to now treat headphones as a virtual 7.1 device", that's certainly not what happens when you enable it in Windows 10 🙁


              • Adam01 Apr 2018 @ 04:30

                Yeah there is something wrong with Dolby Atmos for Headphones and Windows Sonic on Windows 10. I know it's supposed to "trick" the app/game to send out a surround signal even though the system is forced to stereo, but I'm pretty sure its not working unless you feed it an actual Atmos signal (like the examples in the app).

                I have it setup on both my PC and Xbox One X (you buy the app once, it works on both) and Atmos for headphones sounds so much better on the Xbox. On the PC its just added reverb and on the Xbox you can hear the surround working properly.

                For now I just stick with Dolby Headphone because it actually does something.


                • Zsolt01 Apr 2018 @ 13:56

                  "I have it setup on both my PC and Xbox One X (you buy the app once, it works on both) and Atmos for headphones sounds so much better on the Xbox."

                  Do I understand correctly that you mean this for games only? And for movies it works fine on both?

                  By the way how do you acquire dolby atmos for headphones? And what players can you use?


  12. mateusz23 Mar 2018 @ 19:37

    Someone got to work VocalFX effects on Windows 10? (male female). I'm using 1.71 Low DPC.


  13. larry24 Mar 2018 @ 12:58

    I have the UNi Xonar 1822 v1.75a r2 on latest Windows 10 Red Stone 5 build and it works great.


  14. Sam24 Mar 2018 @ 17:39

    I just wanted to thank you for maintaining these drivers for the ASUS Xonar DGX. My card has been half broken (mic would not work, among other issues) since the Windows 10 Fall Creators Hijack. After trying to go through ASUS and Microsoft to no avail, I found my way here. I installed the v1.81a r2 and so far everything is working just like it did before. Thank you!


    • CarvedInside25 Mar 2018 @ 22:20

      I glad to hear that. Thank you for the donation.


      • Chris Leipold27 Mar 2018 @ 23:38

        Just can chime in here and thank you once more as well. Thank you very much Carved that you still maintain the project and that you made the best audio cards for Home Consumer out there useable up until now in 2018 with your great mod driver! Great work keep it up. As you maybe know I am here since you started this. Btw did you ever heard of Giulio (Xonar Switch dev ) again? Send him multiple e-mails but got no answer. Hoped he would further develop XS maybe as there are some issues or that maybe he could send me the source code so I could look into it and maybe do some updates if he has no time. Let me know if you hear something from him.Thanks!!!


        • CarvedInside29 Mar 2018 @ 22:43

          You are welcome. Thank you as well for the feedback you've provided all these years.
          I haven't been in touch with Giulio. When he halted the development of XonarSwitch he was very busy. I would assume he ignores any XonarSwitch related e-mail as it would be kind of pointless to read them if he doesn't have time to invest in developing XonarSwitch. It would be great if he would let someone else take over if he does not have any plans to continue. If I have something I will share it with you guys.



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