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Hello, seems that Xonar are not compatible with newest Intel chipsets (X99 / C610) anymore. Which I can confirm for having tested every possible scenario with no success. Does anyone here has a working Xonar card on such platform ?
Hello, I have a STX II on my X99 platform and UNi Xonar v1.75b rev.2 does not detect my sound card when I try to install it. The official Asus driver installs fine so I don't know what is causing issues with the uni driver.
Hi. Check the possible solutions here.
I tried both methods in the link, but neither seemed to work.
I'm sorry I don't know what the issue is. When trying possible solution 1, did installing the drivers from the Device Manager worked?
When I try solution one, a windows message pops up saying "Windows was unable to install your multimedia audio controller". When I try to install in safe mode I get "Please Plug-in UNi Xonar Audio device!" message.
I finally was able to get this installed. I had to run the program in Windows XP (Service Pack 3) in order for it to work correctly, otherwise it wouldn't detect the STX II sound card with Windows 8.1 x99 chipset.
Strange fix. I think by doing so you've actually installed Windows XP Xonar drivers. Please tell the complete Driver Version from Device Manager Xonar card proprieties.
Which OS do you have?
The driver version is and I am using windows 8.1 64 bit.
Yes, that is the driver for Windows XP. It is pretty unusual that those drivers work on Win 8.1. But what puzzles me more is why you couldn't manually install the Win8.1 drivers when you've tried Possible solution 1. If I come up with something I will let you know.
Installation of 1.75a r2 for my Xonar DG fails with a message that pops up saying "Please Plug-in UNi Xonar Audio device!". In addition, the computer becomes laggy, with one of my CPU core's usage maxed due to a driver (not caused by any program) until I restart the computer. I tried cleaning my drivers, but it still happens.
There is this page linked on the main page Having problems installing UNi Xonar drivers? Refer to this topic, check the possible solutions presented there.
The computer becomes laggy part I'm not sure I understood. Are you saying that even the UNi Xonar drivers did not install, after you've ran the UNi Xonar installer one of CPU cores jumps to full usage and it is only fixed by restart?
Yes. Though I managed to successfully install the drivers in safe mode.
Hi, thanks for those amazing drivers.
I used it for a long time for my Xonar D2 and it's perfect with Xonarswitch.
BTW, I mounting a computer with the new STX II, and I have a problem : I haven't the DTS interactive, only the Digital Live, is it normal ?
The specifications from Asus tell us the STX II supports DTS interactive like my old Xonar D2...
I am not seeing DTS Interactive mentioned on ASUS STX II specification page. But it is mentioned in the manual. I think DTS Interactive is also missing from the ASUS drivers as well (which UNi Xonar drivers are based on). That could mean they forgot to add the support in the drivers or removed the feature from the drivers on launch. Check to see if it's missing from original drivers as well and if it is then I suggest you contact ASUS support.
Ok, I will, thanks
Hi. I have tried to install ASUS XONAR DX under Windows server 2008 R2. But doesn't work neither original nor unix driver.
TEST Speakers in Xonaur audio center produce sound ok. But windows not. "No sound otput device installed" message in windows sound option.
Any help?
Hello. I've been trying to install the latest Uni update, but the install program crashes every time. I'm not able to even make it to the second page before it crashes. Any idea why this might be?
Latest meaning 1.75a? Do you have the same issue with about 1.72?
If you've used UNi Xonar installer addons,do you currently have any addons in the Addons folder?
Which OS and audio card do you have?
Maybe you can upload a screenshot with the error you get, if you get one.
im seriously going mad, i installed a xonar d kara a few days ago and it worked fine.. until the driver stops working and keeps popping up this chinese warning in which i have no idea what it means, and now the 5.1 analog somewhat works but the mic jack doesnt... could somebody please PLEASE help me
I have Xonar DGX. Is it possible to simultaneously (parallel) play audio on front and rear panel? I've got this on my old built in sound card but I can't find that option on my DGX.
Thanks for your help,
That's not possible. It's a hardware limitation of the Xonar cards.
If you have 2.0 or 2.1 speakers, you can clone the output from the front speakers output jack to another output jack (like rear or center channels) where you could connect your headphones. Guide for WIN7/8/10: 1)Enable stereo upmix if you’ve installed the drivers without it. 2)In the panel set the following: 2 channels and 4 speakers. 3)Don’t enable Dolby enhancements (like Dolby Pro-logic).
If you have Windows XP then there is a different guide for that.
I have win 8 but I don't undrestand how to clone output, that's what I'm looking for 🙁
On the back of the card you have 4 audio jacks. The first jack is microphone. You have the speakers connected to the 2nd jack. Now connect the headphones to the 3rd jack. Set the settings from step 2) in the audio control panel you use (asus/cmedia/xonarswitch).
Hi there. First of all, thank you for actually caring about these drivers, as it is obvious ASUS couldnt care less. We all appreciate your hard work on this.
I have an HTPC that I watch video files from Windows Media Center, and I also listen to music on iTunes. Im running Win7 and a Xonar DX. Im using the SPDIF output. Im having a strange issue that I haven't been able to rectify, even when successfully installing your latest driver. My sound card works on a basic level. I am able to hear Dolby Digital and DTS soundtracks from movies on my AV receiver, and I am able to hear music from iTunes as well. But, my problem is that the ASUS Equalizer, volume knob etc, does absolutely nothing to the sound that is coming out. Its like its not even there. I noticed this a few months back, and I haven't been able to find a cause, or a solution. I can hear the audio, but there are no 'soundwaves' showing up on the upper part of the window like they used to. The volume knob does nothing, from 0-100%. Also, my User Defined EQ settings were all mysteriously gone as well. All of this stuff used to work perfectly up until a few months ago when I believe a Windows Update happened, and caused this whole thing to stop working. I just installed your driver successfully today, but it doesn't seem to fix this issue either.
Have you ever heard of, or seen this issue? I'm completely out of ideas, and any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!!
Strange issue, I am not familiar with a issue like this. Which Uni Xonar drivers have you installed right now? Try reinstalling the drivers, try different driver versions (like 1.64 drivers) and see if those work. Which audio panel have you used for changing the settings? Try using a different panel to change the settings(C-Media, XonarSwitch) and see if with those it works.
The User Defined EQ settings being gone may be something else. They may not be preserved if you've uninstalled the drivers and install them again. Depending on which panel you've used, an updated version of the panel could have used a different user eq settings file location.
Thanks for the quick reply. Im using the 1.75a Rev 2 Drivers. I only tried the ASUS Panel, so Ill try the C-Media, or XonarSwitch. If that doesn't work, Ill try your older drivers.
On a side note, for the User Defined EQ settings, you are correct. If you reinstall, (or even update) a driver, it will wipe your User Defined EQs. A while ago I did, however, find out what file the User EQ info is stored in. If you backup this file, you can then copy it back into the directory after reinstalling the driver, and restore your EQs. It (used to) work pretty sweet.
The file location is: C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\ASUS\Xonar DX Audio Center
Filename: cmicnfp.ini
On the newest driver from ASUS, I noticed that this trick stopped working, and I had to also backup a file from that directory called (If my memory serves me correctly): AsusAudioCenter.dll
It then worked for a few months until this issue I've been describing to you happened. Im not sure if this is something that interests you for your next driver release, but if so, the building blocks are there.
Ill go ahead and try your suggestions tonight, and Ill report back my findings.
Thanks again for your help!!
Regarding User Defined EQ settings, I will try look into it. I think Asus/C-media changed the path or just the name of the EQ file in the newer Asus Audio Center versions.
I think it's better to use XonarSwitch and use it's EQ settings and profiles.
I've been having trouble with my Xonar DX. During the course of having the computer on and using the web and other programs, the stereo channels get reversed. If I want to play a game where directional sound is important, or music editing, then I have to re-start the computer. I just recently installed the latest Uni drivers, but this was happening before that. It's to the point where I want to give up and get a Creative USB soundcard (I get A LOT of noise from the Xonar DX. My videocard is practically sitting on top of it; I assume that is one major source of noise).
Before I do that I will probably do a clean re-install of Windows 7...we'll see.
Did you change your PC?
You should try installing the PLX firmware update for the card if haven't done that. This firmware usually applies for cards manufactured 3 years ago or more. It fixes more things than those in the log. For downloads and instructions go to Asus download page, select Windows XP, go to Utilities and download PLX firmware update Ver 1.1. It works on Win7 (and probably 8/8.1/10) even if you've selected WinXP.
Let me know if that helped.
Thanks for your response. I haven’t changed the PC – so, I’ve just done another driver scrubbing using Driver Sweeper, deleted all ASUS anything I could find, even physically removed and re-inserted the card, installed drivers 1.72a r2. Oddly, things seem OK now, and the noise I mentioned isn’t there. Huh. We’ll see if the channel switching poltergeist returns.
Now I have the CMedia and the old Xonar panel. I keep the Asus panel to be able to switch to FP Headphone. I’ll have to read up on how to do that with the CMedia..
LE: Btw, I think I'll try that firmware update regardless. Thanks so much!
I have been going crazy for the past 2 days trying to figure out what is wrong with my Xonar DSX sound. I have a brand new computer I purchased through a custom builder and actually the company recommended this soundcard to me because I was getting an ASUS motherboard. I've always used Creative, so I'm a little frustrated right now. Basically I've tried the official and UNi drivers...yet I cannot get sound to come out of the side speakers or center speakers of my Logitech X-530 5.1 Speakers. I know it's an old speaker set, but they were working fine on my old Creative Soundblaster X-Fi. When doing the testing on all the speakers in both Windows and in Xonar Panel, sound will come out of the side speakers. However, music, movies, YouTube videos, anything...the sound only comes out front right and left speakers. Has anyone else had this issue before? Any ideas on what in the world I could be doing wrong?
I want to start off by thanking you for all of the hard work you've put into making these drivers.
I am currently testing out Windows 10 (i know it's a preview and nothing is guaranteed to work) and after the updated that went out about 2-3 weeks ago (10041?) I've been having issues with my audio (Xonar DX). Windows starts off with a red X over the volume icon but my sounds still works (sort of). Left channel works great but the right channel has very low volume. If I reinstall the drivers and restart my computer about 4-5 times the issue seems to go away until the next restart. The audio cuts out completely if I select 6 channel audio but works in 2,4, and 8.
Windows 8.1 x64
Low DCP latency + XonarSwitch (both the latest on 5/6/2015).
Have the same issue! When I touch (just open) Windows standard volume manager, the right channel sounds 50% lower. Also, this glitch occurs when I change a bit-rate or (even more) channels.
Restart helps but it is annoying.
Can´t activate 6Ch Audio. No Sound on Windows 10 and Error. All other Channel Setting works. Sry 4 my bad English. But 1 need 5.1 because 1 use 5.1 Channel direkt Audio in.
help! i recently had a power outage and my sound card could no longer be detected by the drivers i had originally installed. i tried these drivers and they detected the device, and there is a red light on the card now so its receiving power and seems to be working. however. i have no audio! i see the audio being picked up on the mixer and it detects something called oxygen as the current device, but i dont know how to get any sound to play! i am also unable to start the xonar audio center, it seems to add a task to my task manager but it quickly closes shortly after. i dont know what to do to get sound to work.
please help 🙁
PS: i have tried to go through previous comments to see if i can find useful replies but its difficult to search the pages of comments, i wish there was a search feature.
Check and see if your card's EEPROM wasn't overwritten.
You may need to reinstall the driver if you've restored the correct EEPROM.
There is a search function on the top of sidebar.
Help, microphone does not work on these drivers.
Your problem most likely does not have anything to do with the drivers. Check that you've connected the microphone properly, check that Microphone is set as default recording device, enable or disable "front panel microphone" option depending on where you've connected the microphone, check if the microphone works with onboard audio card.
I had the same problem as Kraken, using the Uni 172 drivers on a fresh Win 8.1 Pro install.. The Microphone was listed as "currently available" and no matter what I did it would not work..
It was working fine on the same machine (nothing removed hardware or cable wise) on a Win 7 install..
What I noticed is the that "Line in" for recording devices had the volume bars while "Microphone" was unavailable.. Soon and I right-clicked and disabled the "Line In" under recording devices "Microphone" had the volume bars and was working as expected..
When I re-enabled "Line in" microphone would go back to unavailable and would not work... No biggie for me since I don't use "Line in" so leaving it disabled seems to be working in my case.
Thank you for the comment. I will check if I get the same behavior on Win 8.1.