

  1. psychok912 Dec 2012 @ 18:11

    Today I've tried to install UNI Xonar 1.64b with upmixing enabled, but still doesn't work. I must activated 7.1 shifter for have 2>5.1 sound.


      • psychok916 Dec 2012 @ 16:51

        I know 2ch>6ch "workaround" setting on Win7/8, but still doesn't work without 7.1 virtual shifter.
        On older drivers, and Win7, we don't need this effect enabled, and we can upmix music/sound selecting 2ch input, and 6ch output on C-media panel.


        • CarvedInside16 Dec 2012 @ 18:54

          I find your posts incomplete and misleading. You mention "still doesn't work". How am I suppose to know which versions have you tried, when did it do the same, if it ever worked ? You could have made a complete detail of the problem and what you did , so I wouldn't have to post the already known stuff.
          A lot of guys seem to think I can read minds just by looking at their name but let me tell you a secret I can't.

          Please let me show you how you should have posted: "Drivers 1.64 do not work with stereo upmix , except when using 7.1 virtual shifter option. I have X-Meridian, tested on both Win 7 and Win 8, I have set the system input to 2 channels and analog output to 5.1. I have not tested older Uni Xonar drivers only original Auzentech drivers and then it worked or I have tried 1.54, 1.63 drivers and those worked"

          Now, UNi Xonar config for stereo upmix is fine and stereo upmix works for me with Win 7. On your current config search the registry for the "Dual2D" and tell me what value does it have.

          After this you should test 1.54 drivers first with Win7 and see if stereo upmix works there.


          • joe18 Dec 2012 @ 14:30

            should we change "dual2d" to 01 00 00 00 to make it work? i have some 00 00 00 00 and some 01 00 00 00. newest driver 1.64b install for xonar dg, windows 7. has worked before, than i played around a bit with the effects, now only working with virtual 7.1 πŸ™

            LE:jep, that does the trick! thx


          • psychok918 Dec 2012 @ 18:50

            This are my settings:

            Windows 8 Pro x64, X-Meridian 7.1, UNi Xonar 1815 v1.64 beta + HT Omega Claro - Auzentech X-Meridian - Win8 Driver v8.0.8.1815 - Valid signatures.rar

            Dual2D is "00 00 00 00" (I've selected: "re-enable stereo upmix to 4,5.1 & 7.1" on setup).
            Setting temporarily Dual2D to "01 00 00 00" and rebooting the computer, fix the problem, but If i "touch" 7.1 shifter, the problem come back.

            With Windows 7 and classic Auzentech drivers (AZT_MERIDIAN_V1.20_WHQL-26AUG11) I don't have this problem.
            I'll try UNi Xonar driver 1.63 and earlier, Auzentech drivers (AZT_MERIDIAN_V1.20_WHQL-26AUG11) are not compatible with Windows 8.

            Sorry for my english :p

            p.s. Thanks a lot for the replies!


            • CarvedInside19 Dec 2012 @ 01:31

              I think is because you've installed the (valid) drivers first might prevent enabling stereo upmix when you install the drivers.

              While the fact that using "7.1 Shifter" option disables stereo upmix, this might be a bug in these new versions. Let me know what else you find. I will check some things too.


              • psychok919 Dec 2012 @ 01:43

                I've tried to install UNi Xonar 1.63 beta, but it doesn't works (always the signatures problem).
                Then, I tried to play with some older versions, and newer mod Asus drivers, but they check integrity :p
                Now, installing back UNI xonar 1.64 beta and after the valid signatures version, upmixing seem works (if I don't touch 7.1 shifter).

                Therefore, it seems to me that is a bug in the c-media panel, when I enable the Shifter 7.1, it disables Dual2D on windows registry.


  2. GK12 Dec 2012 @ 22:55

    When I try to install (on Win 7 x64) on the installation part where it says it should take less than 60 seconds it will never end... I've left it for a long amount of time and nothing changes. I noticed during this that the process NT kernel & system goes to 25% and stays there until I reboot. I've done this different ways several times today just can't seem to make them work. Using Xonar DG, tried 1.64 and 1.63 with all the driver cleaning as well.

    I’ve also tried the installation via safe mode that didn’t seem to work either.


    • CarvedInside12 Dec 2012 @ 23:43

      Uncheck silent installation to see the errors from the (asus/cmedia)actual driver installer installer. Please read the page dedicated to driver installing issues.


      • GK13 Dec 2012 @ 00:16

        Done that. I enabled test mode, tried solution 1 and 2 same results. Errors only show in the cleaning... " The process "HsMgr64.exe" not found... "HsMgr.exe" not found.... "AsusAudioCenter.exe" not found. Its worked previously before for me I was upgrading from a previous driver... really strange.

        After waiting awhile it’ll prompt me: Please plug in a Xonar card, with Retry or Cancel as options… Retry does nothing… Cancel… well you know cancels.


    • KaIIe14 Dec 2012 @ 16:36

      Have you tried installing them in safe mode? That did the trick for me.


      • GK14 Dec 2012 @ 17:30

        Yeah I did. Eventually (yesterday) I just ended up formatting my comp... and that finally did the trick. I was getting annoyed rebooting 50 times a day trying to figure out the problem. Thanks anyways.


  3. ppsbkwmcrs13 Dec 2012 @ 18:30

    SCALE in Windows 7, Normal 125%, on C-Media Panel, Elements OUT of screen.

    Different SCALE changes in Windows 7. 100%, 125%, 150%.


  4. Chris Ducat13 Dec 2012 @ 21:01

    Just donated 5 bucks to you: it's a complete joke that Asus released drivers with broken 5.1 support. I might as well disconnect by surround speakers, the way they sound with these shitty ("up to date") drivers from Asus. The Xonar DG gets great reviews online, but apparently none of these people have 5.1 surround.

    Thank you so much for working on these drivers: it's night and day difference.


    • CarvedInside14 Dec 2012 @ 18:33

      Thank you very much!

      Yes, your right about the great reviews of Xonar cards, its like no one uses these cards for more than 2 channels music listening. Both user and professional reviews fail to mention any of the many issues these cards have.


  5. TrGamer14 Dec 2012 @ 00:30

    I Cant use on Win8 for my HDAV deluxe.. (v.1.64 beta)


    • CarvedInside14 Dec 2012 @ 15:26

      You have to enable windows test mode, and when installing the drivers, select "Digital signature bypass" option in the installer.


  6. TrGamer15 Dec 2012 @ 15:44

    I tried. Unfortunately, still not installed


    • CarvedInside15 Dec 2012 @ 17:18

      Try installing in windows safe mode. UNi drivers work for HDAV cards but sometimes there are problems.

      Tell me the error you get in the when trying to install.


  7. Toni17 Dec 2012 @ 00:54

    With Uni 1.61, xonar d2x, i have noticable lower volume with headphones, in omparison with oldest drivers..
    Why is that..?


  8. Zeeshan Choudhry18 Dec 2012 @ 22:20

    HELP: I installed Alexa mod on my DX2 now my right speaker is on 1/4 volume and it also gives me strange hissing sound (like when windows is booting and relays are have not clicked yet).

    Re-installing windows didn’t work
    PLX firmware update Ver 1.1 didn’t work


    • CarvedInside19 Dec 2012 @ 01:23

      If you tested in the reinstalled windows only with the UNi or original drivers and without Alexas mods, then probably the card has a hardware malfunction. If thats so, I don't think theres any way to fix it.

      Anyways check with other speakers/headphones, as it might be something else.

      If you don't find any solution , your card is out of warranty and you have only 2 speakers, you can use the rear jack instead of front and configure the drivers for stereo upmix.


      • zee7219 Dec 2012 @ 16:30

        It my HTPC, I have pretty old 5.1 setup Harman Kardon (doesn't support digital I/O),

        Is it possible to re-assign the front channels to back channels at hardware or driver level (I guess you can do that with Creative X-Fi), If anyone can give me kick start I might able to do it myself

        (I know its possible at application softwares like in Foobar, MPC)

        Other thought, It is possible that some configuration has been changed at hardware level which doesn't reset even with fresh install?

        Thank you very much for your efforts & support.


        • CarvedInside20 Dec 2012 @ 18:05

          I don't know of any custom channel mapping method done in the drivers.

          Here is a thing you could try, try switching to FP Headphones and back to cards jacks a couple of times.


  9. Topham19 Dec 2012 @ 01:51

    When i enable SVN for better bass i get a sound stutter as if a machine gun is going off. Ive used all driver from 1.53 upto 1.64 and all the same any advise?


  10. psychok919 Dec 2012 @ 05:16

    I've found on C-Media site, Windows 8 generic driver for many c-media chipset (X-Meridian 7.1, Xonar, etc). http://www.cmedia.com.tw/en/DownloadCenter_Detail...

    LE:Same bug with C-Media generic (1.01 package) drivers.


  11. MasterFaster21 Dec 2012 @ 09:33

    Check this: http://vip.asus.com/forum/view.aspx?id=2012122019...

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year πŸ™‚


  12. Artur21 Dec 2012 @ 19:49

    Hey, How do I use the headphone AMP on the card?


  13. duke919228 Dec 2012 @ 04:32

    hello, first time poster here. thanks for all the work that you have put into doing asus's job! I have been having a problem that you may be able to help me with. I have a 7.1 surround sound headset (dpx 21) that i am using for gaming. when playing games (dosn't matter which one) using dolby digital live , the sound is great except for it sounds as if im in a tunnel, with a slight echo. It's frustrating. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


  14. Jay28 Dec 2012 @ 08:21

    Dunno if anyone can help on this one, but I just upgraded my old AM2 DDR2 board to a AM3+ DDR3 M5A97 R2.0 board, and now my Xonar DS emits a constant buzzing/ringing sound whenever I install drivers for it, be it official or Uni. I've tried all the basic stuff; making sure onboard is disabled, reseating, different PCI slot, seeing if it goes away with SVN and GX disabled (it doesn't), with no results. Onboard on the other hand works fine. I don't have another computer handy to check and make sure the card didn't coincidentally go bad during the move, so I'm kinda hoping there's some other ideas floating around that I might be able to try. Other than this issue the new board and memory seem fine.


  15. errdisable09 Jan 2013 @ 03:17

    errdisable :
    Just ordered this card – not sure why so highly recommended with so many driver problems. I have a 4.1 Klipsch speaker setup. Sometimes I can get all 4 speakers working and sometimes I can’t. Right now no matter what I try, I cannot get the right surround working at an acceptable level. Testing the speaker sounds like it is muted or something. I can hear the test sound but it is much lower level than the other three speakers.
    Any idea about this?

    Scratch this - I just swapped front/rear connections and then put it back - seemed to have solved the problem. Weird.



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