Troubleshoot and fix camera/webcam problems in Windows
Solutions to troubleshoot and fix camera problems for PCs with Windows.
Solutions to troubleshoot and fix camera problems for PCs with Windows.
Solutions on how to deal with problematic Windows updates and take control of Windows Update.
Solutions on how to deal with problematic drivers updated by Windows.
Here are a couple of solutions to troubleshoot and fix microphone problems in Windows.
With Windows 10 version 1803 and version 1809, Microsoft changed the behavior of camera app access setting so that it affects desktop applications as well. See how to fix this.
With Windows 10 version 1803 and version 1809, Microsoft changed the behavior of microphone app access setting so that it affects desktop applications as well. See how to fix this.
Notes about issues and fixes for audio cards and Windows 10.
Find which version of Windows 10 you have currently installed.
Guide on how to restore and whitelist a file deleted by Windows 10 Defender.
Guide on how to exclude a file, folder or process from being scanned and be falsely classified as a threat by Windows 10 Defender.
Page for Windows audio issues regardless of sound card maker.
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