

  1. kadopt05 Nov 2012 @ 05:32

    Today I bought a copy of Windows 8 Pro x64 as it was really cheap (30€) but I'm having some issues with openal sound. I only get "software" sound in winamp's openal plug in and that way i don't get surround sound, in windows 7 i can choose either "hardware" or "software" (hw = surround / sw = all sound mixed at front speakers).

    Is there a specific way to Install the drivers (driver enforcement or test mode etc) or are there known issues with gx in windows 8? (gx is necessary for openal to work).
    I'm back at windows 7 by the way and used 1813 uni xonar drivers.


    P.S.=is it me or w8 is slow specially while is messing around with the registry during application instalations?


    • CarvedInside05 Nov 2012 @ 15:22

      I don't know what could be the problem.

      On another matter. Since you have everything set up maybe you can check something else . In win7 while GX is on, can you check if openal playback does still work if you kill HsMgr processes in task manager?


      • kadopt05 Nov 2012 @ 16:22

        killed both (HsMgr and HsMgr64) and I get an error:
        "could not initialise openal"
        This pops up during winamp startup and i get no playback.

        there was one time when the error did not pop up and it was working only in "software" mode, all other tries gave the error window and no openal


        • MasterFaster05 Nov 2012 @ 17:41

          To kill GX just delete or rename the files HsSrv.dll and HsSrv64.dll


          • kadopt05 Nov 2012 @ 17:53

            i killed like CarvedInside said... not even with the stock w8 beta drivers from asus openal works properly! man i was baited by the low price... damn bastards!


        • CarvedInside05 Nov 2012 @ 18:29

          I see. Thanks 🙂


        • MasterFaster05 Nov 2012 @ 20:00

          I don't have any problems with openal plugin for winamp. Something is wrong with your installation. Uninstall, reboot and reinstall OpenAL.

          Winamp OpenAL Output Plug-in v1.0.0 http://www.winamp.com/plugin/openal-output-1-0-0/... http://sourceforge.net/projects/winampopenalout/f...

          Note: the setup file is same from both download pages (different name though)


          • CarvedInside05 Nov 2012 @ 20:12

            He does not have a problem with OpenAl in Win7, only in win8. And I asked him (for my info) to check if OpenAL is tied in with HsMgr processes or not.


            • MasterFaster05 Nov 2012 @ 20:19

              Sorry then, I misunderstood. Unfortunately I cannot help with Win8. I don't have them install nor I will, at least for now.


          • MasterFaster05 Nov 2012 @ 20:15

            Though I do use my 1815 driver pack, but I doubt if this is related to 1813 driver. Personally I have also tested UNi Xonar 1.63 and they work great. So, kadopt as I said I can only think that something is wrong with your installation. Try to reinstall OpenAL or Winamp or the openal plugin (it needs vs2005 redist I think). Else uninstall the UNi Xonar drivers, clean any leftovers and then after a reboot, reinstall them.

            CarvedInside: May I ask if the samplerate changes works on WinXP in new C-Media Panel ? Is SampleRate switch needed anymore?


            • CarvedInside05 Nov 2012 @ 20:18

              New Cmedia Panel is exactly the same as the old one. It doesn not have Sample Rate options in it.


            • kadopt05 Nov 2012 @ 21:40

              actually extra stupidity from ms may be added in Windows 8. the original openal v1.0 plugin compiled with vs2003 is not even loaded by winamp in win8, in sorceforge there's a build made with vs2010 and that works fine exept for the issues explained before.
              it's more like the xonar gx is not able to "fool" the os in thinking that hw accel exists. you can check in winamps ds output that hw accel is supported if gx is enabled win win7.


              • kadopt05 Nov 2012 @ 21:44

                I really just wanted my 4.0 setup in winamp working, but could not find any plugins to replace openal's one. 🙁 at least kernel streaming works and bypasses Windows mixer.


                • kadopt06 Nov 2012 @ 03:49

                  ok after some serious testing here's the results for openal in w8:
                  1-a=>using a "standard" administrator account if i run winamp normally i get hw accel but enhancer does not acess the registry,
                  1-b=>if i run winamp "as administrator" theres no hw accel but enhancer works normally.
                  2-a=>using the hidden administrator account if i run winamp normally i don't get hw accel but enhancer works normally,
                  2-b=>if i run winamp "as administrator" i get hw accel and enhancer works normally.

                  eventually for part 2 it works ok both ways... I don't really get what's wrong with this OS but ok...

                  ALCapsViewer helped as well to diagnose this.

                  metro apps don't work with the hidden account!
                  this is madness!



                • anonymous07 Nov 2012 @ 17:50

                  Just so you know, Win8 implements new sound model, which brings back the hardware acceleration if driver supports it. Problem is, as always with new systems - i wonder if there's any driver out there, that actually took this new sound model into account.


  2. Mark C06 Nov 2012 @ 05:26

    Could you or anyone please upload the driver(s) to a different site? I've already spent too much time trying to download it. Even after deleting all cookies as per http://www.computertipsfree.com/solve-mediafire-c... it keeps restarting. This happens in every browser I have, IE, Firefox 16 and Chrome.


    • CarvedInside06 Nov 2012 @ 18:16

      Will post a mirror with the yet to be released new drivers. Later today or tomorrow.


  3. NSK06 Nov 2012 @ 06:28

    Hey guys,I tried uninstalling the 1.63 beta driver but since i got Windows 8 (Pro x64) I haven't been able to because I keep getting the following error:

    "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

    Runtime Error!

    Program: C:WindowsSystem32cmeauoxy.exe"

    Any help would be very much appreciated.
    And thank you for your work, Carved


    • CarvedInside06 Nov 2012 @ 18:18

      Have you also installed Xonar addons?

      Install the 1.63 drivers again then try to uninstall.


  4. Virus06 Nov 2012 @ 15:09

    New FP Switch - http://virusdev.ovh.org/files/UniXonar%20Helpers/...

    - device is not restarted
    - sound may by playing and switch will work
    - BSODs caused by old FP Switch - gone !

    - currently do not change speakers configuration


    • MasterFaster06 Nov 2012 @ 17:11

      Thanks, I have tested it and it works well.


    • DamnPete31 Aug 2013 @ 18:56

      Awesome! Been looking for this to setup a hotkey... Any reason why it doesn't switch speaker config?

      I use 2.1 on rear panel and headphones on front panel... I opened the source code, but I don't know what KSPROPERTY I should be trying to change, and now that I read this perhaps it's more complex than just changing a single ID... If it is as simple as that, could you tell me what KSPROPERTY settings I should be sending to DeviceIoControl?

      Thanks 🙂


  5. Smeggy06 Nov 2012 @ 15:49

    I don't mean to sound critical;but would it be possible to give Master his own sub-forum as Alexa has? I applaud your hard work but it is dominated by DX related issues where as Uni drivers are well (Uni)fied across all cards. There are alot of extraneous posts to go through which have little or nothing to do with other Xonars. Thanks


    • MasterFaster06 Nov 2012 @ 15:53

      Not need for that, That was my last released.

      For future updates get the UNi Xonar drivers. 🙂


      • MasterFaster06 Nov 2012 @ 15:58

        In fact, I don't care if my related posts are deleted. If that helps to clean the topic, then go ahead and delete them. 🙂


    • CarvedInside06 Nov 2012 @ 18:38

      Yeah, you have a good point.


  6. Nozdy06 Nov 2012 @ 18:00

    Guys, need your help. I recently installed the 1.63 uni drivers and thus my asus Xonar DX card went from being detected in device manager as a "Multimedia Controller" to a C-media audio under the "Sound" devices tab. Once installed, under playback devices i put the c-media speakers as my default but I am getting no sound whatsoever from my speakers. When putting some music i see the c-media speakers green bar moving but I cant hear any output.

    Prior to doing this I disabled onboard on BIOS and uninstalled the previous realtek drivers. I am kinda lost in this so any help would be appreciated. I am not sure if I need to RMA the card or should try something else?

    My only guess is that the Xonar DX is not receiving the power from my power supply. I've already tested the molex connector with a couple of fans successfully. Maybe the power receiver on the card itself is faulty?

    Thanks in advance!


    • CarvedInside06 Nov 2012 @ 18:31

      Card should be detected as Asus Xonar DX even with UNi Xonar drivers. You haven't mentioned butI guess the same is happening with Asus original drivers.
      If you can, try your card in another PC. If the same problem occurs then you should RMA.

      Could be something related to the cards power system or with the card's chipset.


      • Nozdy06 Nov 2012 @ 18:59

        Yeah my bad, I tried also with Asus original drivers, but always got the message "Please plug in the Asus Xonar Audio card" or something along those lines. Unfortunately I dont have a multi-meter to test if the card is getting power heh, but maybe my safest bet is to RMA :(....

        Appreciate your help Carved!


        • CarvedInside06 Nov 2012 @ 20:12

          Also you might want to have a look at this page.
          Let me know if restoring EEPROM helped or not.


          • Nozdy08 Nov 2012 @ 17:45

            Well restoring the EEPROM didn't help. Before doing the RMA I tried on a pc at work. Same results, no sound. Most probably is a faulty card. Will report back when I get the new one. Thanks for the help!


  7. John T07 Nov 2012 @ 05:31

    Can anyone help me solve this problem? I installed the driver, but the Asus Xonar Audio Center software won't open. It doesn't open if I click it or on startup. The C-Media program will open though. Also, if I'm using the C-Media panel what options should I have set if I'm using an Astro A50 headset through the optical out? It needs DDL to have surround sound. Thanks 🙂


    • CarvedInside07 Nov 2012 @ 15:10

      You know, it would be useful to know your card and OS.
      Do a clean driver install like mentioned in the FAQ.


      • John T07 Nov 2012 @ 15:16

        Xonar DX. Windows 7 64 bit. Asus p8z77-V mobo. I did a clean install and even reformatted my crucial m4 256gb ssd, but the Asus Audio Center still doesn't start. C-Media will though.


        • CarvedInside07 Nov 2012 @ 16:13

          I am guessing the Asus Audio Center does not work with Asus Xonar drivers as well.
          If you also tried a fresh Windows install, then it could be a software conflict with one of the other drivers or applications you have installed.

          For C-media panel options this manual could be useful.

          LE: DDL option is under S/PDIF Output on the main page.


          • John T08 Nov 2012 @ 01:48

            Should I choose 8 channel for system input? If so do I enable Xear 3d and 7.1 virtual speaker shifter. I'm using an Astro A50 wireless 7.1 surround sound headset.

            I actually uninstalled all other audio drivers and disabled oboard audio in the bios and it didn’t work. Then I reformatted my ssd and it still didn’t work.


            • CarvedInside08 Nov 2012 @ 02:28

              Set 8 Channel but don't enable the other 2 options.

              I was referring to a conflict with any of the other drivers not just audio ones. If you have no suspicions, this is hard to diagnose, a method would be to install Win7 and Xonar drivers and then add the other applications and drivers and see since which one the Xonar panel doesn't work anymore.
              Anyway here are a few other things you can try: if your windows isn't updated, try updating it. Try with different UNi Xonar versions 1.53 , 1.63 & 1.64.
              Other than this I don't know what else to say regarding this.


  8. ben copeland07 Nov 2012 @ 19:02

    is there a way to dual the outputs? I need to dual my headphones and speakers I cannot find a option to do this?


    • CarvedInside07 Nov 2012 @ 19:25

      You haven't specified which OS do you have. Please from now on whenever you ask for help or information don't forget to include at least some basic information (OS, Xonar card).

      Assuming you have Win7/8 and you have 2 or 2.1 speakers (and not 4, 5.1, 7.1) try this:
      Connect headphones to rear speakers jack and speakers to front speakers jack or the other way around.
      Install the UNi Xonar drivers with “Re-enable stereo upmix” option selected. Set the following settings in Asus (or Cmedia) Panel: audio channels:2 sound analog output: 4 speakers. Maybe some games/applications will require to manually set ingame sound speaker config to 2 channels.


  9. ChriscomIT08 Nov 2012 @ 06:32

    Hey Carved,
    many thanks like ever for the updated driver package! I did a complete uninstall and clean-up of 1.63 driver package. And 1.64 installs fine but if i select "Mixer" tab in C-Media Panel i get "rundll32 - windows host service stopped working" error. and C-Media panel is crashing. Asus Audio Center works without problems. Seems like 1815 driver is not compatible with recent C-Media panel version. Can anyone confirm this issue?? I am running a D2X. Thx!


    • ChriscomIT08 Nov 2012 @ 07:06

      Problem solved! 2 driver clean-ups not finished properly. After a third attempt all works! Muchas Gracias amigo!!!


      • CarvedInside08 Nov 2012 @ 16:19

        Good job:)

        Did you do a driver clean with Driver Sweeper or Driver Fusion, or only with the UNi Xonar build-in driver cleaner?


        • ChriscomIT08 Nov 2012 @ 16:49

          Thx! 😀
          For the first time i just used the UNi Xonar built-in driver cleaner. After no good i used Driver Fusion and Uni Xonar built-in driver cleaning but again no good. At least i uninstalled UNi Xonar driver from "program & features". Then reboot! Then use drivercleaning.bat from help section. Reboot again! After that i was using Driver Fusion ( that showed me 4 left prefetch entries from c-media panel) deleted all left over driver junk. Then rebooted! After that i finally installed up tp date driver package (1.64beta). Reboot! And i / you will good to go!


  10. ChriscomIT08 Nov 2012 @ 16:53

    Reblogged this on The IT Crowd und kommentierte:
    New driver!


  11. TC08 Nov 2012 @ 23:41

    I have a Xonar DSX and I'm trying to use both rear analog output and FP. Realtek and Creative has 2 different devices for those so I could easily map rear analog output for mp3 player and FP output+mic for headset.. However, Xonar has only 1 device and I can only switch between FP and Rear output..
    Is there a way to use both simultanously ?


    • CarvedInside09 Nov 2012 @ 00:11

      Don;t think there is a way.

      If you have 2 speakers, you can use the side speaker channel rear jack for headphones.How to.


      • TC09 Nov 2012 @ 01:18

        If I do that way, wouldnt I have same audio stream from speakers and headphones ? I want 2 seperate audio streams over rear jacks and FP....Looks like I will have to go enable noisy realtek again and plug FP jack to it.. And ruin my dreams of listening to my music with headphones.


  12. psychok909 Nov 2012 @ 04:15

    Hi! I've tried today your last beta drivers 1.64 on Windows 7x64, with X-Meridian 7.1 and seems ask again "compatibility mode". It's normal?


    • psychok909 Nov 2012 @ 04:18

      ** I mean Mode test, this:
      bcdedit -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
      bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING ON


  13. MasterFaster09 Nov 2012 @ 15:35

    HT Omega Claro - Auzentech X-Meridian - Win8 Driver v8.0.8.1815 - Valid signatures.rar (1.68MB)

    All signatures are verified

    Note: CarvedInside there are additional changes in CMPCIP4.INF

    This is not a driver pack with setup etc.

    It only includes the modified .INF files, the driver .DLL and .CAT files, backup 1796 .INF files (from Auzentech's driver pack), changes notes for .INF files, and signature test results.


    • MasterFaster09 Nov 2012 @ 17:01

      I saw the new changes in CMPCIP4.INF from HT Omega Claro driver


    • CarvedInside09 Nov 2012 @ 17:23

      In 1.64 I missed the fact that the non-asus inf files where changed.
      Thank you.


      • MasterFaster09 Nov 2012 @ 18:11

        No problem. That's the help I want to provide from now on:

        I will provide test results and any other useful info I can find, to make it a good use in UNi Xonar.

        p.s.: I don't know if you are using the old v1.0.0.18 CmEnhance.dll or the newer v1.0.0.19 CmEnhance.dll
        But between the two I haven't found any difference.
        Thus, in my very last release (which is posted ASUS forums), I used the newer v1.0.0.19 CmEnhance.dll



        • CarvedInside10 Nov 2012 @ 02:29

          Ok 🙂

          I used .18 . But I don't think CmEnhance.dll is that important. A newer version could contain directives for a new card.


          • MasterFaster10 Nov 2012 @ 12:50

            I agree, you are probably right.

            CmEnhance is actually used only during installation, for device initialization. CmEnhance is not installed and is not used elsewhere. And CmEnhance dll is very similar to vmix dll


  14. psychok909 Nov 2012 @ 16:31

    Thanks MasterFaste, but this drivers freezes during the installation on my computer.


    • MasterFaster09 Nov 2012 @ 16:54

      The .INF and the driver files have valid digital signature. This means that the files are identical with the official files that C-Media has. So there is no need for enabling test mode etc.

      The purpose of the pack was to provide info to CarvedInside and thus he can fix/update (if needed) the files that cause the problem. I haven't checked/extracted the latest v1.64 UNi Xonar to see if there is any problem with the .INF files.

      @psychok9, to update your current driver use the device manager. You can do this in safe mode to avoid conflicts. Or wait for CarvedInside to release a new UNi Xonar driver pack.


  15. Smeggy09 Nov 2012 @ 16:42

    I’ve tried today your last beta drivers 1.64 on Windows 7×64/D2X. All works well....thanks again.



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