

  1. Tom macky03 Apr 2017 @ 03:27

    These drivers are broken, with my reciever is unable to get 24/96 using spdif or any dolby or dts to light up, im using this with windows 10 and was able to get it working with older versions of unified in windows 7, are you guys able to look into that? ive tried every option with different players and settings with no avail……


    • CarvedInside03 Apr 2017 @ 03:31

      You've replied to someone else's comment instead of posting a new comment. I fixed it. When writing a new comment use the comment form at the bottom.

      Which driver version? Your card is?


      • Tom macky03 Apr 2017 @ 13:59

        Sorry about that. Im using stx on the latest unified driver 1.81a r2


        • CarvedInside06 Apr 2017 @ 00:39

          I'm afraid there isn't anything I could do about it.
          Just so I understand correctly, does this happen only with 1.81a r2 drivers or with previous releases as well?


  2. Jon W06 Apr 2017 @ 14:22

    Thanks for these, my D2X suddenly decided to only output from the main LR outs, found these drivers and it's fine again now.


  3. Daniel Jørgensen07 Apr 2017 @ 04:30

    Hello. I plugged my Asus xonar essence st into a startech pcie to pci adapter and the microphone works fine but the sound only does for 1 to 15seconds when its just started up.
    i tried to start it disabling all start programs. reinstalling drivers ,trying different drivers.
    Asus Z270F motherboard

    The sound card worked fine when it was inserted directly
    current driver UNi-Xonar-W10-1825-v1.81a-r2

    Adapter : https://www.startech.com/Cards-Adapters/Slot-Extension/PCI-Express-to-PCI-Adapter-Card~PEX1PCI1

    Do i really have to invest into a new pcie stx ?


    • CarvedInside07 Apr 2017 @ 17:20

      Hello. I don't know of any fix, at least in regards to Xonar drivers. The StarTech adapter issues have been discussed in the past, you can view one of those discussions here.


  4. Oleg07 Apr 2017 @ 15:05

    when rewinding the video on youtube you receive the high-frequency squeak. windows 10 tried different versions of drivers. Asus Xonar STX


  5. Shooz11 Apr 2017 @ 02:15

    Just wanted to say v1.80a r3 is working great for me on Windows 10 Creators Update. Haven't ran into any issues so far.


  6. varywolf13 Apr 2017 @ 09:52

    UNi Xonar W10 1825 v1.81a r2
    After a while, the multi-channel sound disappears everywhere except the UNI control panel itself and the standard sound check in Windows.

    I did not find a solution to the problem. Only removing the driver and reinstalling fix the problem


  7. Alpha1613 Apr 2017 @ 14:48

    I've installed the v1.81a R2 and it work good on Win10 Creators for me (D2X).

    Thanks for your hard work 🙂


  8. Jimi Hendrix15 Apr 2017 @ 18:43

    Is anyone else getting BSODs while watching YouTube videos and/or movies?
    Currently getting a BSOD (DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL) with the file cmudaxp.sys.
    Currently it seems like it's happening with the latest release (1.81a rev.2).
    Running a ASUS Xonar DX with Windows 10 Pro x64 (Creators Update).


    • CarvedInside17 Apr 2017 @ 12:18

      Have you tried with previous UNi Xonar drivers?


      • Jimi Hendrix17 Apr 2017 @ 20:25

        Yes, currently using 1.80a r3 and they don't seem to crash (so far).


        • Jimi Hendrix18 Apr 2017 @ 20:38

          Right, just had a BSOD with the older driver as well, same error, same file.


          • CarvedInside19 Apr 2017 @ 09:12

            Do you have GX enabled by any chance? If the problem is not from GX, I am afraid that there isn't anything you can do at the moment other than rolling back Windows to 1607 build.


    • PeZzy23 Apr 2017 @ 23:57

      I would recommend to do a "C-Panel" only installation. The added software with a full install has HsMgr.exe and HsMgr64.exe at startup, which are considered poorly coded rogue software and some anti-malware companies are considering marking them as malware.


    • Bose32115 Jun 2017 @ 16:39

      Also getting loads of BSOD on W10!

      Did you manage to find a fix yet?
      Did a C-Panel installation work?
      Other drivers?


      • SK83RJOSH16 Aug 2017 @ 15:19

        I'd like to know the status of this as well; did you ever find a fix or did you end up giving up?

        Also I might have some additional info on this crash, as I've been using the latest drivers for quite a while without problems and only recently started experiencing bluescreens:

        I haven't updated Windows recently as far as I know -- but I recently started using the line in jack on my card; and that's around the time the bluescreens started. I haven't had a chance to test if this stops the bluescreens (and to be quite honest.. they're kind of rare, I've experienced only two in a week or so.. I'm not sure I'll be able to go a week without a microphone).


        • CarvedInside18 Aug 2017 @ 16:03

          You could use the onboard card for the microphone.
          You should check the UNi Xonar v1.71 and see if you still have get the BSODs with those.


          • SK83RJOSH18 Aug 2017 @ 23:53

            I might have to switch to onboard, yeah. The only downside to doing that ultimately is the fact that I use the loopback functionality quite often -- and Windows built-in monitoring adds a lot of latency + a lot of noise to the output (probably the built-in audio doing that, though).

            Anyway, I tried completely disabling the microphone when not in use (via Windows sound wizard), and so far I haven't experienced any bluescreens. I'll also try giving 1.71 a try soon. Thanks for the heads up. 🙂


  9. Case15 Apr 2017 @ 20:43

    I'm having a weird problem after updating to Creators update (Win10 64) with my good old Xonar DX. I'm using Dolby Headphone and it seems that when running games (or at least some, I have tested just two so far, don't have many games installed these days), the audio mix is now wrong (as in some sounds are much louder than others). It is especially noticeable in RaceRoom Racing Experience where most of the car sounds are deafening now - I have to turn the master volume in the game to something like 25 percent of where it was before, but then of course other sounds (like menu music) get very quiet. Another solution is to switch the sound setting in-game from 7.1 to stereo - then the audio mix is back to where it was before the update. It's not just RaceRoom, though - I've noticed similar issue in Dirt Rally, just not as noticeable as in R3E. It might also be that the same issue (some channels being much louder than others) happens while watching 7.1 movies - I'm not exactly sure as I don't remember how they sounded before the update.
    So far I went back from the latest 1825 drivers to 1823 drivers, but it didn't help. Tried cleaning the Xonar settings completely and reinstalling from scratch - nothing. I'm gonna try some more things still (like trying even older drivers or perhaps installing the Asus control panel instead of the C-Media panel I normally use).
    I also have a second sound card I use for music recording (Xonars suck for this due to the input delay) and it doesn't seem to have this problem at all, I can use virtual surround (not Dolby Headphone) with it in R3E without any issues, but I really like Dolby Headphone much more...:(
    Anyone got any ideas or tips? Thanks.


  10. Dean18 Apr 2017 @ 23:39

    Having some issues since creators update.

    Running a DX2 outputting to a 5.1ch AVR over optical (using DD:L).

    Having stereo upmixing enabled works fine, however using this and switching back to proper surround (for native 5.1ch sources) fails- after disabling stereo upmixing it's not sending anything other than the 2 stereo channels. It's still encoding in DD:L and the AVR is still seeing it as DD5.1, however I'm getting no sound from any speakers other than my front 2. If I set it back to surround (no upmixing, 5.1ch source) and restart my PC it goes back to working fine, however if I enable stereo upmixing at all (including upmixing with PL2) (which I like to do when listening to music) it breaks proper surround until the next reboot. This wasn't an issue before the creators update.

    Worth noting while I didn't read anything about it ahead of time I've noticed an option for "spatial sound" as part of the windows sound gui since the update. It would appear as though they've added support for a couple of headphone surround virtualisations. I'm guessing this may be causing the issue.

    Going to roll back to anniversary so I can determine that the creators update is definitely the cause of this behaviour.


    • Dean19 Apr 2017 @ 01:26

      Have rolled back to 1607 (anniversary) and all is working fine again. This very much indicates that the creators update is to blame.


  11. Adam19 Apr 2017 @ 22:39

    Is there a 3rd party addon that allows you to increase the volume beyond what is possible via windows/sliders?


    • CarvedInside20 Apr 2017 @ 16:10

      There is no addon. You can increase the volume by rising volume for each individual channel in the Mixer panel that in available in Asus Audio Center, C-Media Panel or XonarSwitch.


  12. Rich20 Apr 2017 @ 03:55

    Using a STX II on latest W10 update off a fresh reformat so I'll see if there are any issues or none at all. (brand new STX II and fresh formatted to make sure) Installed 1.81 R2

    Side note sorta bummed out that on a 200 card the line-in or mic input has a HUGE amount of static or white noise or whatever, can't even pickup the mic but have no other to try in the slot. (just going to avoid and use a USB yeti)

    Side note it may be a dumb question, when toggling settings on the control panel do they overtake the windows settings? The hz and bitrate/channels. (trying to find ideal setup for my DT 990s and what settings to change around)


    • CarvedInside20 Apr 2017 @ 16:19

      1) About the microphone static noise check FAQ Q&A 21. There is also the possibility that your microphone is the problem.
      2) The channels are set correctly in any audio panel. Sample rate for the card as well as for Windows only by XonarSwitch. If you set the sample rate with Asus/Cmedia panel then you need to also set it Windows Volume->Playback. For correct settings I suggest you read FAQ Q&A9.


      • Rich21 Apr 2017 @ 07:15

        Yeah, there's not even my voice it's just a BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ and doesn't pick up any input but doesn't matter at this point got a USB mic to avoid that. (could be EMI issues due to sitting under a 1080 Ti or other things going on in there, or my motherboard, even if it's at the bottom slot far away as possible) But I had this issue just getting it with the official drivers too so it's not an issue I knew that from the get go.

        For 2) Should I be switching the settings in the C-Media Panel or Xonar Audio Center also? (not sure what takes precedence or overrides) Assuming on top of being changed for Windows. Anyways thanks and really appreciate the support and drivers!


        • CarvedInside21 Apr 2017 @ 10:29

          1) It could also be that your STX II card microphone input is defective in which case you need to return it for warranty. Just so you know in case you would want to resolve it at some point.
          2) You only need to change the settings in one audio panel be it Asus Audio Center, C-Media Panel or XonarSwitch. Any one of those has the same effect.


  13. Submarine21 Apr 2017 @ 09:28

    1) How often is the audio driver(s) updated?
    2) Are you affiliated with the driver development team?
    3) Is Microsoft aware of the current Windows 10 Creators Update issues?


    • CarvedInside21 Apr 2017 @ 10:15

      1) See FAQ Q&A13. Up until now, newer audio drivers showed up one way or another usually at a pace of 6-12 months. I don't think there will be many more audio driver updates from C-media for CMI8788 audio chipsets that are being used it "classic" line of Xonar cards.
      2) No. Read UNi Xonar Introduction.
      3) Don't know, probably not. I don't have a special line with Microsoft. ASUS does not care. It's up to anyone that has a specific problem to report it to Microsoft and assist them in figuring a fix.


  14. xonar1222 Apr 2017 @ 06:16

    What would be the best version after the creator update? I keep getting buggy sounds on the R side ever since I updated...
    Using xonar essence STX.


    • Submarine22 Apr 2017 @ 10:15

      I haven't had a bluescreen in 24h with continuous YouTube and VLC videos playing in the background while playing DiRT: Rally on Windows 10 Pro (x64) Creators Update, but who knows for how much longer I will get lucky, but the only way to find out is through "trail an error" by yourself and from the looks of it v1.80 rev.3 may be more stable.


      • Submarine22 Apr 2017 @ 12:07

        I forgot to mention the missing button(s) on the latest 1.81a r2 (think there's a workaround for it) but I don't have that kind of time.


  15. Zaronn22 Apr 2017 @ 16:22

    Hi. First, thank you for your work! I have been using your drivers for years. And now I tested the latest driver (1825 v1.81a r2) for STX II and Windows 10. And i immediately noticed reduced sound quality. Especially in the low frequency range. Almost like a low pass filter was turned on. The low frequenses seems to be there, but they are very noticable weaker compared to Asus own driver for example (which sounds best in my experience). The mid to mid/high frequenses seems to have a bit more appearance. Sound image sounds more compressed in the mid/high range. It's wierd. I have checked every setting possible. Can't see anything wrong or different from other drivers. And I have also noticed that others are claiming about the same thing. I also wonder why the official driver from Asus sounds best. You have any clue? And any ideas why the latest driver (1825 v1.81a r2) sounds so bad? I would think that high quality audio equipment/headphones is a must to notice the differences well though.


    • CarvedInside23 Apr 2017 @ 15:38

      Hi. If you were to compare UNi Xonar drivers with the same audio drivers as those in the ASUS driver you would have the same audio quality. The different sound quality with UNi Xonar v1.81a is because of 1825 audio drivers. I don't know why those sound differently.



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